Comment: Tragedy is not a case for more euthanasia rights
In mid-April The Globe & Mail gave two days of coverage to the suicide of Adam Maier-Clayton, just 27 years old. He lived for years with a variety of psychiatric disorders and unremitting pain. There is no doubt he knew suffering.
Opinion: Unexpected papal meeting brings out best in bishop
As the Ontario bishops completed their ad limina visit to Rome last week, I couldn’t help but recall one of my favourite stories about one of Ontario’s favourite bishops.
Comment: With Egypt trip, Pope is taking the risky road to send his message
Whether opening a free laundromat for the homeless in Rome or shunning the palatial papal apartments in the Vatican, Pope Francis knows the power of symbolic messages.
- By Robert Brehl
Opinion: Our Lady Seat of Wisdom is built on the Catholic tradition
On April 29, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom Academy (OLSWA) will graduate the first class of its newly approved bachelor’s degree program.
Opinion: The surveys say … yes, faith has future in Canada
Data from two major polling firms show Canadians are nowhere close to the caricature of faith-hostile atheists that we’ve been led to believe characterize us.
Comment: Uncle Bill brought out the best in family
It’s been said family can provide us with great strength and expose our greatest weaknesses. Or, as comedian George Burns once said: “Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”
- By Robert Brehl
Comment: Education is the best way to tackle bigotry
“What good can this wretched intolerance and religious bigotry effect?”
- By Robert Brehl
Comment: Whatever happened to celebrating feast days?
Lent gives us two solemn feasts, St. Joseph and the Annunciation of the Lord. Both fell in the last weeks of March, and it is likely that a majority of Canadian parishes did not celebrate both of them; a great many likely celebrated neither.
Comment: Archbishop Chaput has sound advice in troubled times
At the end of the last millennium, gay marriage was not yet a reality and the idea of legalized euthanasia was considered ridiculous. Abortion was of course an issue, but there seemed some hope that the lawless practice would at least become regulated.
Comment: Talk of married priests is all about the math
The Pope’s recent musings about the possibility of older, married men someday being ordained as priests is all about math, not theology, doctrine or politics.
- By Robert Brehl
Comment: Euthanasia’s slippery slope is no longer a fantasy
It was a story that slipped through public consciousness like a shadow, first ominous then quickly evaporated and forgotten.