Herman Goodden: Bishop Sherlock always a true pastor at heart

With the death of Bishop John Michael Sherlock on Aug. 12 at the age of 93, I expect that I am not the only member of the sprawling Diocese of London whose sense of bereavement is mixed with bursts of jubilation at a race that was so well run. 

Luke Stocking: Keep the planet in mind for travel plans

“We’ll be coming to visit from July 22 to July 30,” I told my mother-in-law, who had come to Windsor from her home across the border in Michigan to see my son play soccer. 

Francis Campbell: Sunday without a priest isn’t quite the same

Sleeping late on a Sunday morning a few weeks back, I decided to substitute the 9 a.m. Mass at the church just down the road in our home parish for an 11:30 Mass in a nearby parish.

Harry McAvoy: Family stands tall on the rock of faith

It was Mother’s Day when Anne Margaret McAvoy said her last goodbyes, spoken more with quiet groans than with words. She was a wonderful woman who loved deeply with a gentle heart. Through her words and deeds mom taught us to stay close to God.

Luke Stocking: The swan dive of life

Graduation season is upon us. Universities, high schools, elementary schools and these days even kindergarten cohorts celebrate and move forward to places unknown to them. 

Francis Campbell: Champions of freedom embody Christian values

Canadians ought to reflect on the summer of 75 years ago with an equal measure of pride and sadness.

Ontario’s budget takes cruel twist

Critics are dubbing it “the nastiest cut.” The Ontario government’s planned termination of the Transition Child Benefit is a cruel measure that strikes at the soft underbelly of society: an estimated 16,000 children each month in low-income families who have nowhere else to turn.

Reconciliation journey opens new doors

If Canada wants reconciliation with its Indigenous citizens, Canada has to change. If the Church wants reconciliation with the Indigenous people it has harmed, the Church has to become more deeply, more truly, more fully what it is.

Pentecost makes inspiring call to stewardship

Do you remember how your parish prepared to celebrate the Easter Vigil? 

Luke Stocking: Students send message

The Minister of Citizenship and Immigration gestured to the buildings surrounding us on Parliament Hill. “These are the people’s houses,” said the Honourable Ahmed Hussen. “These are your institutions — please feel free and at home.” 

Herman Goodden: Making the most of ‘spiritual weapon’

A mere 35 years after my Catholic conversion, I suppose I should be a little embarrassed that it is only now that I am finally getting the hang of the rosary and finding it a very powerful devotional instrument in the way that it commands and directs and focuses my prayer. What took me so long?