The Church on the street: A gift of thanks on Christmas morn

Unless you have been homeless, as Mary and Joseph were on that first Christmas, it is difficult to understand the deep peace a roof over your head can bring.

Editorial: Christmas prayers

For much of the past two decades, Christmas celebrations in the birthplace of Christ have been muted. Recent Decembers, however, have seen Bethlehem start to become a more joyous place and the annual Christmas tree lighting last month in Manger Square was said to be the most festive in years.

Cathy Majtenyi: The story of Jesus’ birth filled with lessons for all

The scene in the movie The Nativity Story where Mary jumps off the cart after returning from Elizabeth’s house always chokes me up.

Robert Brehl: Christmas treasure found in Klondike gold rush

On Christmas Eve during the Klondike gold rush, three young miners found an unexpected treasure more valuable than gold dust, and their chivalry is worth remembering 120 Christmases later.

God's Word on Sunday: Good news found in God's blessings

3rd Sunday of Advent, Dec. 17 (Year B) Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11; Luke 1:46-54; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28

We would all welcome a bit of good news. This seems to be a very rare commodity these days, but it has probably almost always been the case.

Peter Stockland: Don't blame social media for human bad behaviour

There is something seriously laughable, but also laughably serious, about former Facebook bosses bemoaning the global damage caused by social media giants.

Ted Schmidt: Sport's real victories happen off the court

Last month, standing on the basketball court of my first school as a teacher, Mimico High, I launched a book titled The Season.

Editorial: Our Father

The Our Father is the foundational prayer of Christian faith. So perhaps it is fitting that Pope Francis has placed it in the spotlight as we make ready to celebrate the Saviour’s birth.

Charles Lewis: It’s time Catholics put words into action

Over the past few weeks I’ve heard wonderful homilies about Advent. Each was about preparation for the coming of the Christ Child through prayer, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

Fr. Raymond J. De Souza: A blessing of Providence after church fire

We are blessed on Wolfe Island with a magnificent church — more like a cathedral, visitors often say. Dedicated to our Lady under the title of the Sacred Heart of Mary, it was built in 1916-1917, and dedicated in June 1918. I had begun thinking a few years back how to mark the centennial.

The Mustard Seed: Beauty of the Church isn’t found in rules

Living a Christian life, too often seen as adherence to a list of “do’s” and “don’ts,” is better understood as creative participation in the artistry of the Holy Spirit. Each of us is given a mission in God’s eternal plan, a mission we are called to carry out with love, creativity and joy.