Cathy Majtenyi: Robot ‘care’ can’t replace love of the Body of Christ
A pivotal moment in human history occurred Oct. 25 at the Future Investment Initiative conference in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.
Francis Campbell: Tragedy brings out the best in humanity
Halifax Mayor Mike Savage was in a reflective and reminiscent mood during a recent state-of-the-municipality address.
Trinity Western University covenant goes on trial yet again
Several years ago when the Trinity Western University law school battle was just building, I was shocked to hear a devout Catholic friend trash its controversial Community Covenant.
God's Word on Sunday: God sets the example of care and healing
Christ the King, Nov. 26 (Year A) Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17; Psalm 23; 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28; Matthew 25:31-46
Many of the shepherds of Israel had done a rotten job of shepherding and serving the people.
Alberta premier maligns Catholic schools
Edmonton – The headline told the story: “Catholic sex-ed proposal puts church, NDP on collision course.” Columnist Paula Simons’ front-page offering in the Oct. 24 Edmonton Journal was correct on at least one point: The Catholic Church in Alberta and the NDP government are deeply at odds. The differences involve revision of the provincial sex education curriculum, as well as new legislation on gay-straight alliances (GSAs). As well, there is Premier Rachel Notley’s insulting characterization of a Catholic sex education proposal as giving moral legitimacy to rape.
- By Glen Argan
Comment: The kindred spirits of John Paul I and Francis
In last week’s edition of The Register, a page was devoted to the late Pope John Paul I for two newsworthy reasons: Pope Francis is putting him on the path towards canonization and a new book attempts to put to rest the conspiracy theories that he was murdered after only 33 days on the chair of St. Peter.
- By Robert Brehl
The Queen and her prince keep royal traditions alive
In a democratic age, we need to be reminded that the governing image of Christ Jesus is kingship, a biblical image of deep resonance.
Charles Lewis: Don’t fear doubts on faith
I’ve been fortunate to take part in several RCIA programs — the first time when I was preparing to enter the Church and subsequently when helping a friend who ran a parish program for potential converts.
Editorial: Good riddance, Mugabe
More than 100,000 people turned Zimbabwe’s capital Harare into a big dance party following the bloodless overthrow of their tyrant-president Robert Mugabe. Goodness knows they earned it.
Thomas Reese: Pope Francis shouldn’t risk going to Myanmar
Pope Francis makes a visit to Myanmar Nov. 27-30 where he risks either compromising his moral authority or putting in danger the Christians of that country. I have great admiration for the Pope and his abilities, but someone should have talked him out of making this trip.
Trudeau is wrong… abortion is not a right
In late September I wrote a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in which I expressed dismay at what I called some “very serious” fallacies he continues to spread regarding abortion.
- By Jim Hughes