‘They were killed because they were Jewish’

My sister is a Shabbat-observing Orthodox Jew. When I saw the news trickling out of Israel on Saturday morning, I knew I wouldn’t be able to check in with her until that night. Her phone is off from Friday evening until Saturday sundown. Then I remembered that it was Simchat Torah, and that observant Jews in the U.S. wouldn’t be turning their phones back on until Sunday evening.

Verbatim: A very brief recent history of Catholics and Jews

A very brief recent history of Catholics and Jews…

  • October 12, 2023

Historical inaccuracy

Carol Glatz’s article “Jesuit letter revealing Nazi atrocities discovered” in the Sept. 24  Catholic Register contains inaccurate, not to mention hurtful connotations.

Editorial: ‘Let him hear’

October will be a listening time for Catholics worldwide as the Synod on Synodality rolls on in Rome.

A good week in Catholic journalism

The last week of September felt like a time to be remembered for Catholic journalism in Canada.

Verbatim: Pope Francis' homily ahead of the Synod on Synodality

Pope Francis’ homily delivered in St. Peter’s Square ahead of the Oct. 4 opening of the Synod on Synodality.

  • October 5, 2023

Surprised by joy and rising in humility

What does it mean to be holy? To grow in holiness is to persevere in the life in Christ, to live out our baptism every day. The end goal of the life in Christ is to become a saint, to be divinized, to become like God. In sum, it is to achieve what we Byzantines call theosis: participation in the life of the Most Holy Trinity. This means that we must die to self each day and join ourselves ever more fully to Christ; we must strive to be Christ-like. St. John the Baptist summed this up when he declared, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). This process of decreasing requires repeated acts of the will: to pray daily, to confess regularly, to receive Holy Communion at least weekly, to undertake corporate and spiritual works of mercy, to be disciplined in our lives and to earnestly desire these things.