Readers Speak Out: November 4, 2018

  • November 6, 2018

 Gruesome attack

As a Muslim, I categorically condemn the gruesome act of violence perpetrated at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, taking away the lives of 11 innocent worshipers. 

Lone-wolf hate crimes south of the border have gained prominence following an increase in divisive politics and seditious rhetoric by President Donald Trump. Perhaps in this case the attack was not directly influenced by him, but I believe he has created an atmosphere that is allowing lone-wolf attacks. 

Dangerous policies campaigned on in the U.S., like separating migrant children from parents, travel bans and slashing the refugee cap to its lowest level in over 30 years, have had rippling effects. By no coincidence, these were the same things the alleged gunman was researching before this violent attack. That’s a problem.

Jari Qudrat,


Fidelity, not popularity

It seems to me that Christianity loses its attraction (and adherents) when it changes to become more popular. What is the point of a Church that is just a reflection of contemporary worldly thinking? Why bother?

Christianity has to mean a different way of living. I don’t speak of rigidity, but rather fidelity to sound teaching and issues we know in our hearts really matter. 

That may not make the Church popular, but it will keep it alive.

Jean Clayton,

London, Ont.

Going to pot

The Canadian government has now legalized marijuana despite the dangers it poses to society, especially young people. 

The primary reason for this appears to be economic, as private businesses and government stand to make plenty of money from marijuana sales. Another reason is social since some Canadians use marijuana and support legalizing it. 

A possible political motive is found in the works of a proponent of recreational drug use, Aldous Huxley. In his dystopian novel Brave New World, the government gives people a drug that makes them artificially euphoric, docile, essentially mindless and thus easy to control politically. 

Is this why marijuana was made legal in Canada? Let’s not dismiss the possibility.

Claudio Ceolin, 


Merciful Church

Re: Identifying writers (Readers Speak Out, Oct. 21): 

John Killackey suggests identifying writers by their “ecclesiastical designation.” 

Might I suggest a third category — MC, for Merciful Church. This would capture the vision of Pope Francis of seeing everything  through the lens of mercy.

Anthony Kerigan,

Dundas, Ont.

Discouraging statistics

I come from a rural parish in Ontario where I prepared an in-depth statistical study of the faith community earlier this year.

It showed that only 25 per cent of those of Catholic background are actually registered as Catholics. Of the registered Catholics, less than 30 per cent attend regular services.

The majority of children from a Catholic background no longer attend Catholic school. Averaged over the past five years this has equated to only 16 per cent of the town’s JK children joining the Catholic school. 

The report was presented to the Parish Council and the District School Superintendent, where it has been welcomed with a mixture of ambivalence and complacency, with a hint of arrogance. Certainly there is no appetite to change anything.

Gerard Walsh,

Port Elgin, Ont.

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