Parisian perversity

  • July 30, 2024

As a former competitive amateur athlete in multiple sports, I watched with childlike anticipation the opening ceremonies of the Paris Summer Olympics. However, my natural appreciation of sports, its celebrities, and the beautiful Paris skyline quickly turned to disgust and horror as the ceremony continued to unfold.

Ancient Rome’s pagan Emperor Nero, who famously burned his city to blame it on Christians would undoubtedly have been very proud of the bizarre spectacle that today’s pagan leaders conjured up for the whole world to see. Thus, the French Olympic Committee and its seemingly strongly atheistic French government led by French President, Emmanuel Macron celebrated in grand fashion the union of athleticism and sadistic narcissism. This is not so surprising when one considers that several months ago French parliamentarians, by a vote of 780 to 72, made France the world’s first country to enshrine abortion into its national constitution.

Among the most glaring examples of their shocking displays of perversion during the opening ceremony were:

  • a collection of drag queens parodying Christ’s Last Supper
  • a celebration of the anti-Catholic French Revolution with a gruesome skit displaying at least 37 decapitated models depicting Marie Antoinette standing in the windows of a huge castle, holding her bloodied and yet talking head in front of her body
  • dancing cross dressed males with beards
  • scenes of encouragement of gay orgies with threesomes;
  • godlike adoration of huge statues emerging from the banks of the Seine depicting women who pushed for the killing of unborn children on French society
  • a mocking display of Rome’s horrible custom of crucifying criminals, especially Christians in later times, by having several people dangling on with their arms outstretched, on long flexible poles above a bridge.

The culmination of this sadistic and satanic mocking of Christianity were the two huge golden bull idols displayed on the main Olympic stage at the end of the ceremony – akin to the golden calf idol made by the rebelling Israelites when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments from God.

Appropriately, as in all human history. God had the last word: it rained throughout the whole insulting Olympic spectacle.

Dr. Andrzej Caruk

Kitchener, Ont.     

More in this category: « Over the Rainbow

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