Marriage priorities

  • September 26, 2024

Glen Argan’s Aug. 20 Catholic Register column made excellent  use of Pope St John Paul II’s teaching about “the marriage of Mary and Joseph as more than a covenant, ‘an authentic communion according to the model of the Blessed Trinity.’”

Marriage preparation courses emphasize the covenant relationship between husband and wife. What is missed is the personal covenant of the groom with God and personal covenant of the bride with God. This personal covenant of each is exemplified in the personal covenant of Mary with God and the personal covenant of Joseph with God. 

It is the personal covenant with God that make a person’s marriage a vocation, a calling from God, as Mary was called to become the Mother of God. It was God calling on Joseph to take Mary as his wife. 

Marriage is first and foremost obedience to God. The greatest commandment is God first, neighbor second. We have inverted the order of priority. 

Rufino Ty, 
Brampton, Ont.

(God bless the bride and groom – the Editor.)

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