Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

{mosimage}RICHMOND HILL, Ont. - It is easy to measure milestones of an individual, a political party, sports team and any such human institution. One could focus on what change a person made for humanity, the impact a political movement made to the wellbeing of a nation or what a sport did to unite people.

{mosimage}TORONTO - It’s almost been two months now since Christina Calayca went missing at Rainbow Falls Park near Thunder Bay, Ont.

{mosimage}TORONTO - The head of the Salesians of Don Bosco made his first visit to Canada Sept. 16 to 18.

{mosimage}TORONTO - Does Christianity have anything important to say about the growth of our complex, diverse, chaotic cities? John Bentley Mays thinks the answer is yes and he will explain why in the seventh annual Henry Somerville Lecture on Christianity and Culture.

TORONTO - Fr. Jon Hansen and David Wangalwa sit patiently in the waiting area of the Immigration and Refugee Board appeal division office in downtown Toronto.

TORONTO - As Christians, particularly Catholic Christians, “we live our lives between the ashes and the fire,” Toronto Archbishop Thomas Collins told more than 100 Catholic businesspeople Feb. 20.

{mosimage}TORONTO - Picture a flower shop window dressed with an array of plants underneath a yellow canopy overhang that reads, “The Centre.” This is how Sarah Villiger describes what to look for to people who are visiting Toronto’s Romero House for the first time.

{mosimage}TORONTO - The people in the pews of both churches and synagogues are being invited to dig into the really meaty issues of Christian-Jewish dialogue at a series of six events in churches and synagogues around Toronto.

{mosimage}TORONTO - Lay pastoral associates have been active in the archdiocese of Toronto for more than 20 years, but today the position has reached a plateau.

{mosimage}Editor’s note: following are the recipients of the proceeds from the 2007 Cardinal’s Dinner held in October in Toronto and the amount disbursed to each organization. A total of $145,500 was disbursed.