Readers Speak Out: May 9, 2021
Great theologian
Just read in The Catholic Register that the theologian Hans Küng passed away. It may have been a small piece, but it was respectful.
Editorial: The system failed
From the early days of the pandemic, well over a year ago, it quickly became evident that long-term care homes were in the eye of this hurricane.
Charles Lewis: The intolerance of a tolerant nation
I often point out how little we as Christians and social conservatives are respected in Canadian society. It’s as if we are not even citizens and our points of view are so hideous it is taken for granted we deserve to be crushed whenever we articulate our crazy ideas.
Robert Kinghorn: Begging for mercy in faces of the street
It was the walk that first attracted my attention. Not so much a walk as a hobble, dragging one leg painfully after the other. Dusk had descended on the streets and the chill of winter had finally given way to the promise of spring, although it was still far too cold for the many people scattered around the neighbouring homeless shelters.
Fr. Raymond de Souza: Pope and cardinal united in life … and in death
The recent announcement (April 23) that Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski will be beatified in September brings to mind his dramatic final days in May 1981.
Glen Argan: Solidarity involves a shared destination
When we talk about a sustainable society, the mind almost automatically shifts to the natural environment. Climate change, pollution, wilderness protection and restrained use of natural resources become the topics at the top of the agenda.
- By Glen Argan
Readers Speak Out: May 2, 2021
Wonderful work
Re: Sisters turn crisis pregnancy into storybook ending (April 4):
What an awesomely uplifting story your YSN writer, Angelica Vecchiato, wrote describing the wonderful work the Sisters of Life are performing: aiding women facing an unexpected pregnancy.
Editorial: Celebrate family
As the story goes … a doctor asked a patient if anyone in his family suffered from insanity. “No,” he replied. “We all seem to enjoy it.”
Sr. Helena Burns: Where are the quality Christian films?
When one hears about a new “Christian” or “Catholic” film, one usually emits an audible groan. Why so? Because — horrifyingly and too often accurately — “Christian” or “Catholic” film is synonymous with “poor quality” and “preachy.”
Peter Stockland: Palliative centre a light in darkness
Amid the deep shadows of ever-expanding MAiD and examples of hospice care being brutally extinguished, a gesture of transformation by the Archdiocese of Montreal lights a candle in the dark.
Leah Perrault: Finding God’s grace in imperfection
Imperfection and I have had a rocky relationship. For years, I pretended she didn’t even exist. When she showed up unexpectedly, I dressed her up in different clothes and tried to pass her off as someone else. I recognized, eventually, that she was actually a roommate I despised. And in more recent years, I’ve been trying to be reconciled to my sister. Imperfection has gifts I need, and she has been much more gracious with me than I deserve.