Editorial: Map for the future
The Pope’s first official trip outside Rome in more than seven months couldn’t come at a better, or more critical, time.
Charles Lewis: Partisan speech treads dangerous waters
Sr. Deirdre Byrne is a remarkable woman. Many of you have heard her life story because of the address she gave to the Republican National Convention in August.
Francis Campbell: There’s no avoiding the pain of victims
The scourge of Catholic priests sexually abusing innocent children is never far from mind in Nova Scotia.
Luke Stocking: Spiritual force needed to support green agenda
In a recent interview with Global News, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that his government will put forward an “ambitious agenda” for a green recovery. “We know the world is going towards lower carbon,” he said. It appears that he is willing to stake the fate of his minority government on such an agenda.
Glen Argan: Monuments should be used for education
Statues typically honour those who have done great deeds. They are built so we do not forget our past. To forget the past is to lose hope for a better future. Without a memory of the past, our only vision of reality is that of the present. We are stuck in the ideology of today, reduced to a one-dimensional world. Memory opens horizons.
- By Glen Argan
Readers Speak Out: September 13, 2020
Work together
As a Past President of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development & Peace – Caritas Canada (D&P), I am very pleased to see that the bishops want to return to the National Council (NC), the governing board of the organization. I have always believed their presence at NC meetings is imperative.
Editorial: Our ‘jubilee’ duty
The word “jubilee” suggests a joyous celebration, but that is hardly the context for the theme Pope Francis has put on this year’s Season of Creation.
Sr. Helena Burns: Marxism has nothing to do with Christianity
I’m sure you’ve noticed that being enamoured of Marxism is, sadly, once again, in vogue among those who have never lived under its rapacious, anti-human, oppressive iron fist. The scary thing this time around is that a majority of these starry-eyed folks are young people who never even lived through the Cold War. (A few years ago I was on the campus of McMaster University and the bulletin boards were filled with black and red posters: “Join the Marxist Party!”)
Cathy Majtenyi: Today’s racism built on bedrock of history
In mid-August, Unilever urged ice-cream trucks selling Good Humor products to play a newly-created jingle.
Peter Stockland: Chesterton’s insights defy passing of time
At dinner during a recent event, a young journalistic rising star of decidedly Calvinist conviction acknowledged G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy ranks among the most inspiring books he’s read.
Charles Lewis: Music helps us ask simple question: Why?
Music is a great comfort. It raises deep issues of the soul and then expresses them in a way most of us never could. Many kinds of music are deeply spiritual, from Gregorian chant to country to rock.