Luke Stocking: Pandemic reflections on the Incarnation
At a time when mother nature has “sent us to our rooms” (as one viral post put it), the digital world has opened its arms wide to embrace us. It is a reality that I have been reflecting on during this pandemic.
Readers Speak Out: May 24, 2020
Needs of faithful
Re: Cautious approach to re-open churches (May 10):
I am very surprised that Canada’s bishops are reluctant to press our government to ease restrictions on churches.
Editorial: A map for the ages
We tend to think of the planet as a patchwork of nations and continents, but it is really a single tapestry in which everything and everyone is intertwined. The COVID-19 pandemic is tragic evidence of that, but the new coronavirus only illuminates a lesson taught to us already.
Glen Argan: Pandemic should give us food for thought
In Alberta, the province where I live, those hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic are workers in meat processing plants.
- By Glen Argan
Bob Brehl: Back-to-the-future pandemic activities
While in a bulk food store recently, complying with social distancing rules, I was led around by an employee whose job was to scoop out items I wanted and bag them.
- By Robert Brehl
Peter Stockland: A shadow of hope emerges in crisis
On the doorstep of what would become the COVID-19 crisis of spring 2020, a wise woman I encountered called me out on the distinction between hope and expectation.
Leah Perrault: Real love creates space to grow and discover
Space is not a word I associated with love for most of my life. I grew up longing for the freedom of stretching further away from the intimacy of my family and small Saskatchewan town. I sat in the farmhouse window sill in my bedroom, staring up at the expansive, prairie sky of stars, full of wonder at all the space in the universe for all of us.
Charles Lewis: It’s time to really share our blessings
There is not a lot to commend living in a quarantined world.
Readers Speak Out: May 17, 2020
Domestic church
I believe the present focus on streaming Masses is the wrong way to go.
Editorial: An ethical solution
Medical experts worldwide are racing to create a COVID-19 vaccine. Of course, these efforts should be encouraged and well funded because normal life won’t return until an effective vaccine is developed and distributed around the world.
Gerry Turcotte: This is a fight for our shared humanity
I had promised myself that I wouldn’t write a COVID-19 column.