Charles Lewis: Emergency brakes for slippery slope
I write a lot about euthanasia and associated issues. I will not dispute this nor will I apologize. What I think drives me is not only the abhorrence of such an evil practice but that there are ways to safeguard ourselves and our friends and family from this evil. However, to a large extent we are failing to do so. We need to wake up.
Robert Kinghorn: Looking out for the holy innocents
As I write this it is the feast of the Holy Innocents (Dec. 28), the memorial day for children who endured the wrath of King Herod as he set out to ensure that the Light of the World would never be allowed to shine in the darkness of his kingdom. As it was 2,000 years ago, so it often is today.
Peter Stockland: Neighbourly advice on changing lives
During a pre-Christmas trip to Toronto, New York Times columnist David Brooks offered a small vignette that can provide us with a new year’s resolution but, more, a spiritual shift for life.
Gerry Turcotte: Some timely advice that’s never too early
This new year my resolution was to be less punctual. Why? Because punctuality has always been both my obsession and my curse.
Readers Speak Out: January 12, 2020
Room for all
Re: New Mass at 50: a face-to-face issue (Dec. 22):
I find much beauty in the Latin Mass. I grew up with it. But I also find beauty in the Novus Ordo in its simplicity and its native tongue, or mix of Latin and English.
Editorial: The women’s decade
It seemed fitting that Pope Francis began the new year by pointing a spotlight at women, given that integrating women into the everyday running of the Church will be a major theme of the new decade.
Charles Lewis: Make this a year to put words into action
I am writing this column late in December, thinking of the annual ritual of making resolutions. I do not think in my life I ever followed through on a New Year’s resolution — but I have made resolutions at other times of the year that I have stuck to like glue.
Peter Stockland: Take a moment to live outside the moment
Earlier this month, I was reading about the fathers of three modern Irish literary geniuses — Oscar Wilde, W.B. Yeats and James Joyce — when I came upon a fascinating fact about Wilde’s mother.
Leah Perrault: God comes as He is to the world as we are
I have been thinking a lot over the last couple of years about how God comes to us. In tragedy and grief, in deep joy and hope, in confusion and in waiting. In all these places, I am deeply convinced that He comes. Still, I often struggle to recognize Him.
Bob Brehl: The social times have been a-changin’
When told this issue of The Register would be dedicated to not only a year in review, but a decade in review, the idea immediately intrigued me.
- By Robert Brehl
Editorial: Event of the decade
From a Catholic perspective, few if any dates were more significant during the soon-to-close decade than Feb.11, 2013.