Pope Francis
VATICAN – When it comes to migration, Pope Francis said the world, particularly Christians, must approach the issue with a “contemplative gaze” that goes beyond polemics and is guided by justice and solidarity, helping to build peace at both the global and local level.
Published in Vatican

In last week’s edition of The Register, a page was devoted to the late Pope John Paul I for two newsworthy reasons: Pope Francis is putting him on the path towards canonization and a new book attempts to put to rest the conspiracy theories that he was murdered after only 33 days on the chair of St. Peter.

Published in Robert Brehl
VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis' @Pontifex Twitter accounts reached more than 40 million followers just a few months before the fifth anniversary of when Pope Benedict XVI launched the initiative.
Published in International

"No one can say, 'I'm right' or 'I'm not like him or her.' I'm a sinner, I'd say it's almost the first name we all have – sinners.” Pope Francis focused on man’s sinfulness and the need for remorse in his homily at Mass, Friday morning at the Casa Santa Marta residence in the Vatican. He was commenting on the first reading from Prophet Baruch who said, ‎"Justice is with the Lord, our God; and we today are flushed with shame.”

Published in Reflections
Pope Francis said Mass in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta on Thursday morning, Oct. 5. In remarks to the faithful following the Readings of the Day, the Holy Father reflected on the importance of keeping tethered to our roots – especially our spiritual roots – and avoiding what he called “psychological self-exile”.
Published in Reflections
OTTAWA – In the wake of controversy surrounding the papal document Amoris Laetitia, Bishop Scott McCaig said people should not be baited by conspiracy theories.
Published in Canada

VATICAN – Speaking on Tuesday morning during the homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis reflected on Jesus’s journey to Jerusalem as the moment of His crucifixion drew near.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY - On Sunday, Pope Francis said that we can’t improve our political landscape by observing and judging from afar, but that it involves personal involvement, which should always be done in a spirit of charity and helpfulness.

Published in Faith

WASHINGTON – The nation has experienced "yet another night filled with unspeakable terror" and "we need to pray and to take care of those who are suffering," said the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY - Given the strong divisions sparked and fueled by "fake news," Pope Francis is highlighting the importance of truth in his message for World Communications Day.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY - Seeing, understanding and engaging with people's real lives does not "bastardize" theology, rather it is what is needed to guide people toward God, Pope Francis told Jesuits in Colombia.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY – Christ calls believers to welcome migrants and refugees "with arms wide open, ready to give a sincere, affectionate, enveloping embrace," Pope Francis said, launching the "Share the Journey" campaign of Catholic charities around the world.

Published in Vatican

CORNWALL, Ont. – Canada’s bishops will not be inviting Pope Francis to visit Canada any time soon.

Published in Canada

VATICAN CITY – The worst sin of all is not trusting in God's infinite love and not believing that God is always waiting for his sinning children to return to him, Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY – Christians must learn to expect and recognize God's consolation and hold dear the peace and tranquility it leaves behind, Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith