Pope Francis

CAIRO, Egypt – As Pope Francis returns from his April 28-29 trip to Cairo, Egyptians of all faiths were pleased by his visit and his message – one that filled them with hope for the future, they said.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY – As anti-government protests in Venezuela turned deadly, Pope Francis called for an end to the bloodshed.

Published in International

Pope Francis was the principal celebrant and homilist at Mass for Egyptian Catholics in the “Air Defense Stadium” in Cairo on Saturday. Below are the full text of the Holy Father’s prepared remarks, in their official English translation.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis' unique approach to teaching the faithful combines speaking clearly and simply with showing people what steps – even small steps – they can take to make a difference, a Vatican official said.

Published in Vatican

ABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM CAIRO – A diplomatic solution must be found to the escalating tension between North Korea and the United States, Pope Francis told journalists.

Published in International

CAIRO – The only kind of fanaticism that is acceptable to God is being fanatical about loving and helping others, Pope Francis said on his final day in Egypt.

Published in International

CAIRO – Placing flowers, lighting a candle and praying at the site where dozens of Coptic Orthodox Christians were killed by an Islamic State militant last year, Pope Francis and Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II paid homage to those who were killed for their faith.

Published in International

CAIRO – Here is the text of the common declaration on baptism between Pope Francis and Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II, signed April 28.

Published in International

CAIRO – Calling his visit to Egypt a journey of "unity and fraternity," Pope Francis launched a powerful call to the nation's religious leaders to expose violence masquerading as holy and condemn religiously inspired hatred as an idolatrous caricature of God.

Published in International

ROME, ITALY – A leading scholar in the Arab world has applauded the goodwill of both the Vatican and the prestigious Islamic al-Azhar university Pope Francis will visit for aiming to increase Catholic-Muslim dialogue.

Published in International

Whether opening a free laundromat for the homeless in Rome or shunning the palatial papal apartments in the Vatican, Pope Francis knows the power of symbolic messages.

Published in Robert Brehl

VATICAN CITY – The Catholic Church needs laypeople with a missionary spirit, which means Catholics do not have to try to force members into a vocation that is the Holy Spirit's to give, Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith

Pope Francis on Thursday reflected on the fact that being Christian is not a social status.Speaking during the homily at the Mass in the Casa Santa Marta the Pope said Christians must be witnesses of obedience to God, like Jesus was.

Published in Reflections

Just 19 days after two Palm Sunday terrorist bombings killed more than 45 Christian worshippers and injured a hundred more in Egypt, Pope Francis will personally take a message of peace and solidarity to that volatile nation.

Published in Editorial

VATICAN CITY – While searching for a connection today often means looking for Wi-Fi, Pope Francis said real connections between people are the only hope for the future.

Published in Faith