Pope Francis

VATICAN CITY – Where there is no tenderness, there is cruelty and what is unfolding in Syria is a veritable "workshop of cruelty," Pope Francis told governing members of Caritas Internationalis.

Published in International

The alliance between Roman Catholics and evangelical Protestants on a range of issues dear to social conservatives has been one of the biggest storylines in religion and politics in recent decades.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – The Year of Mercy brought more than 20 million pilgrims to Rome, but for Pope Francis, the idea always was that the celebration of God's mercy would be local: have people experience God's love in their parishes and send them out into the world to commit random acts of mercy.

Published in Faith

Cuba is granting pardons to to 787 prisoners in response to Pope Francis' call for clemency during the Year of Mercy.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – The vulnerability of the poor and of future generations to the impact of climate change creates a "serious ethical and moral responsibility to act without delay and as free as possible from political and economic pressure" to slow climate change and protect the environment, Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith

Pope Francis on Tuesday warned Christians against the danger of becoming ‘lukewarm’ or losing sight of the Lord. His words came during morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY- Citing conflicting interpretations of Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation on love in the family, four prominent cardinals wrote a letter to him in September requesting that he “resolve the uncertainties and bring clarity.”

Published in Faith

Pope Francis has issued a warning against the “anaesthetized” consciences of those who see the poor and needy as a burden instead of as brothers and sisters to be helped.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis has urged Donald Trump not to forget the poor and marginalized in his first comments on the President-elect to be published after the brash Republican’s stunning election win.

Published in International

It’s continually surprising that people seem shocked or disappointed each time Pope Francis shuns modern convention and affirms some aspect of basic Church teaching.

Published in Editorial

Pope Francis on Thursday warned Christians against the temptation of a show or entertainment religion that constantly seeks novelty and revelations, comparing it to fireworks that provide us with a fleeting brightness before dying. His comments came during his Mass celebrated on Thursday morning at the Santa Marta residence.

Published in Reflections

We cannot serve God well if we hunger after power and wealth. That was Pope Francis’ message as he reflected on the daily readings at his Santa Marta Mass on Tuesday morning.

Published in Reflections

NEWARK, N.J. – New Jersey’s first cardinal knew he was walking into the global media spotlight and, as Pope Francis’ personal choice for the next Archbishop of Newark, into a post that has suddenly taken on unusual significance for the future of American Catholicism.

Published in International

Pope Francis had already delivered the Catholic Church’s version of an October surprise when he included Indianapolis Archbishop Joseph Tobin in the batch of new cardinals he announced last month — promising a red hat to the leader of a relatively small Midwestern diocese of 230,000 Catholics that had never before had a cardinal, nor would ever expect one.

Published in Vatican

Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Sunday for the Jubilee for Prisoners in Saint Peter’s Basilica, during which he reminded prison detainees to never lose hope, or fall into the temptation that they can never be forgiven.

Published in Reflections