Pope Francis

Pope Francis has telephoned leaders of the terror-stricken French city of Nice, asking him what he could do to help in the wake of last week’s gruesome truck attack and promising to meet with the families of the victims as soon as possible.

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VATICAN CITY – Remembering the victims of the tragic terrorist attack in Nice, France, Pope Francis prayed that God may give comfort to grieving families and foil the plans of those who wish to harm others.

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VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis condemned the attack on Bastille Day celebrations in France, calling it an act of "blind violence.”

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VATICAN CITY – Members of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America were holding their daily staff meeting when an unexpected visitor came to their door: Pope Francis.

Published in Vatican

The advent of a new, professional, lay-led press office at the Vatican won’t sideline Canada’s Fr. Thomas Rosica, who has acted as a volunteer English-language attaché to the Holy See press office since Pope Benedict resigned.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – The Vatican and Sunni Islam's leading institution of higher learning have begun looking for ways to restart formal dialogue.

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VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis has named Bishop Donald Bolen of Saskatoon, Sask., as the new archbishop of Regina.

Published in Canada

Now that the memorial to St. Mary Magdalene is a feast day, all that remains is for Catholics to decide how they will feast.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY – Three months after the publication of Pope Francis' exhortation on marriage and family, bishops and bishops' conferences around the world are studying practical ways to apply it. Some still disagree on what exactly the Pope meant.

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis has met the parents of an American teenager who died in suspicious circumstances just after he arrived to start a foreign study program.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – The world community needs to get serious about ending the conflict in Syria and call out those who claim to support peace while making money off of arms sales, Pope Francis said.

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VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis said he will continue pressing for a church that is open and understanding despite opposition from some clerics who "say no to everything."

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY – To mark the 800th anniversary of the "Pardon of Assisi," an indulgence earned by visiting faithful who confess their sins and make a sincere promise of repentance, Pope Francis will visit a stone chapel rebuilt by St. Francis of Assisi.

Published in Vatican

When Pope Francis said this week that the church should ask forgiveness from gay people for the way it has treated them, he sparked yet another round of global headlines about how his unpredictable papacy is changing Catholicism.

Published in Faith

BOGOTA, Colombia – When Pope Francis visits Colombia early next year, his visit may become a celebration of peace in a country with the longest-running war in the Western Hemisphere.

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