Pope Francis

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis will declare Blessed Teresa of Calcutta a saint at the Vatican Sept. 4.

Published in Vatican

WARSAW, Poland - Pope Francis will visit the former Nazi concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau during a July 27-31 visit to Poland for the celebration of World Youth Day, the Polish bishops announced.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis celebrated the third anniversary of his election with a simple Tweet — “Pray for me" — and the usual Sunday recitation of the Angelus prayer with tens of thousands of people gathered in St. Peter's Square.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY - Paying homage to the suffering and martyrdom of Ukrainian Catholics who refused to give up their fidelity to the pope despite harsh Soviet repression, Pope Francis also paid tribute to the Eastern Catholics' efforts today to alleviate the suffering of those impacted by the war in Eastern Ukraine.

Published in International

Pope Francis said four nuns executed by gunmen in Yemen at a home where they cared for elderly and disabled residents are “today’s martyrs.”

Published in Vatican

There is intense anticipation in the Catholic Church — and no small amount of anxiety for traditionalists — over what Pope Francis will say about Communion for divorced and remarried Catholics in a key document expected in the coming weeks.

Published in Vatican

Only if our hearts are open and we recognize ourselves as sinners can we receive God’s mercy. That’s the message Pope Francis imparted to the faithful gathered for the morning Mass Thursday at the Santa Marta guesthouse.

Published in Reflections

VATICAN CITY - In the second of his "Mercy Friday" gestures, Pope Francis spent two hours with a group of young adults at a Catholic-run residential drug rehabilitation center.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY - Even in the midst of bombings, Vatican ambassadors stay put, risking their lives while working to end what Pope Francis has termed a "piecemeal" World War III, said the Vatican minister of foreign affairs.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY - To be truly formative, Catholic higher education has to continue to entrench students with human values, particularly the value of transcendence, said Pope Francis.

Published in Education

VATICAN CITY - By reflecting on the Passion of Christ, the author of the Way of the Cross meditations for Pope Francis' Good Friday service said he will focus on the suffering unfolding in the world today and how "the martyrs of the 21st century are undoubtedly the apostles of today."

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY - Those who hope Pope Francis will give divorced and civilly remarried Catholics a blanket welcome back to Communion and those who fear he will open the doors to such a possibility are both likely to be disappointed by his decision.

Published in Faith

TAMPA, Fla. - Fourteen bishops from Canada, the United States and Latin America explored ways to invite the faithful into what Pope Francis has called "an encounter with Jesus Christ" during three days of prayer and discussion.

Published in International

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump convincingly won the Nevada caucuses but is still struggling in what might be called “the Pope Francis primary.”

Published in Faith

VATICAN CITY - For a Christian, talk is cheap; the faith requires concretely doing God's will and serving the least as well as those around you, Pope Francis said at his morning Mass.

Published in Faith