Catholic News Service
VATICAN – A true bishop always stays close to his people, protecting them from "wolves" and from losing their way, Pope Francis said.
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WASHINGTON – In front of a small crowd of cabinet members and religious leaders at the White House Rose Garden May 3, President Donald Trump announced, and then signed, an executive order giving faith-based groups a stronger voice in the federal government.
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May 4, 2018
Seven states file lawsuit to end DACA
WASHINGTON – Continuing the legal drama against a program that protects some 800,000 young adults brought into the country without legal documentation as minors, seven states have filed a lawsuit attempting once more to end it.
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MEXICO CITY – The first members of the Central American caravan of migrants have been allowed to make asylum claims, but a Scalabrinian priest said "very, very few" have their applications accepted.
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ROME – Three Chilean abuse survivors who met with Pope Francis said his apology to them must be accompanied by concrete actions, not only against those who commit sexual abuse, but against those who cover it up.
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ROME – Fra' Giacomo Dalla Torre was elected the 80th grand master of the Knights of Malta May 2 and promised to continue the reform of the order begun last year when he was elected its interim head.
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May 2, 2018
Either you are with God or with Satan, Pope says
VATICAN – Baptism requires rejecting Satan and professing one's full faith in God, Pope Francis said.
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ROME – Pope Francis visited Rome's popular Shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love to pray the rosary for peace, especially in Syria.
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VATICAN – In an age when technology is ever-evolving, Catholic news organizations must be willing to adapt to effectively proclaim the Gospel to all, Pope Francis said.
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MELBOURNE, Australia – After a monthlong pre-trial hearing, an Australian judge ordered Cardinal George Pell to stand trial on multiple charges of sexual abuse of minors, charges the cardinal consistently has denied.
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WYD Blog
Call to arms
If you did not feel empowered by Pope Francis' homily during the welcoming ceremonies at World Youth Day, then you weren't really listening. The…
Jesus calls us here to meet him
There’s so much I could say about World Youth Day: I could probably write a short book about my experiences. There are so many…
Jesus I trust you
Two weeks ago I left my home in Mission, BC, about an hour outside of Vancouver, and embarked on my pilgrimage to Kraków, Poland.…