VATICAN CITY - People of different religious beliefs can and must live together in peace, Pope Francis said.
Send prayers, aid to those hit by Ebola, Pope Francis says
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis called for prayers and concrete help for the thousands of people affected by the deadly Ebola virus.
Pope Francis tries again on traditionalist reconciliation after Benedict XVI failed
VATICAN CITY - Picking up a piece of unfinished business that consumed the energies of Pope emeritus Benedict XVI, the Vatican under Pope Francis is again trying to repair a decades-old breach with a controversial group of traditionalist Catholics.
Sr. Turgeon one step closer to sainthood
Sr. Rita Bérubé never thought she’d live to see the beatification of Sr. Marie Elisabeth Turgeon, but the day is getting closer.
Moira McQueen among five women appointed to Vatican theological commission
A touch of Canada, a touch of Scotland and a feminine touch has been added to the assembly of 30 theologians who advise the Pope and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith — all in one appointment. Canadian Moira McQueen, a Scottish-born, University of Glasgow-trained lawyer turned moral theologian, is among a record five women appointed to the International Theological Commission.
Pope Francis calls for 'globalization of charity' to protect migrants
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis called for the "globalization of charity" through an international network to fight human trafficking and ensure the rights of migrants and refugees.
Will Catholic bishops annul Pope Francis’ marriage reform initiative?
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis has appointed a special commission to look at ways to make it easier for Roman Catholics to dissolve their marriages in the eyes of the Church.
Survivors of Albania's dictatorship give witness, move pope to tears
TIRANA, Albania - Two survivors of Albania's communist crackdown against the church brought Pope Francis tears with their stories during a vespers service in Tirana's cathedral Sept. 21.
Don't use God as 'armor' for waging violence, Pope Francis says in Albania
TIRANA, Albania - In a world "where an authentic religious spirit is being perverted and where religious differences are being distorted and exploited," Albania is an "aspiring example" to everyone that peaceful co-existence is possible, Pope Francis said during a one-day visit to the country Sept. 21.
VATICAN CITY - Today's bishops must be as vigilant and courageous as sentinels keeping watch over the faith, and as forgiving and patient as Moses, leading a sinning people across harsh deserts to God, Pope Francis said.
Vatican: Pope Francis not under threat from Islamic State militants
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis faces no specific threat from Islamic State militants and will not be adding extra security measures on his one-day trip to Albania next week, the Vatican said Monday (Sept 15).
VATICAN CITY - When will people ever learn that war is madness and conflicts are only resolved by forgiveness, Pope Francis asked.
At wedding, Pope Francis says spouses make each other better men and women
VATICAN CITY - Presiding over the wedding of 20 couples in St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis celebrated marriage as the union of a man and woman playing complementary roles during their common journey through life.
Just another Jesuit changing the world
Robert Blair Kaiser’s analysis of what makes Pope Francis tick is a wonderful read and to be promoted. But it’s not what I was expecting.