PROVERBS 28:13 ~“He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever
Confessionals: Our family called them “confession boxes.”
As a boy in the mid-1960s growing up along the Gaspé coast, I was intrigued by
our Catholic church’s confession box. There were three entrances: the centre
compartment for the priest to enter through an actual door, and two side
compartments (one on each side of the priest’s compartment) for the penitents,
but no actual doors for them. There were, however, ornate embroidered curtains
covering both entrances, which deterred curious but innocuous parishioners (I
mean, was the person confessing good fodder that could be passed along to a
neighbour or two, or was it a lesser, venial-type, sin?). The heavy curtains
also dulled sound and the penitents knew to speak in a hush audible only to the
priest, and he reciprocated. The result in the pews: indistinguishable voices in
English and French.