January 31, 2023
The people of Congo are more precious than any of the gems or minerals found in the earth beneath their feet, yet they have been slaughtered by warmongers and exploited by prospectors, Pope Francis said.
January 30, 2023
Before beginning their ecumenical pilgrimage of peace to South Sudan, Pope Francis and the leaders of the Anglican Communion and the Presbyterian Church of Scotland asked Christians around the globe to accompany them with prayers.
January 24, 2023
The media and the field of communications need to exercise more kindness and share the truth with charity, Pope Francis said.
Lengthy, abstract homilies are "a disaster," so preaching should be limited to 10 minutes, Pope Francis said.
January 18, 2023
Christians must develop a pastoral heart to care for those who have not heard the Gospel or who have left the fold, Pope Francis said.
January 11, 2023
Sharing the faith is the "oxygen" that "invigorates and purifies" Christian life, Pope Francis said.
January 9, 2023
Telling parents and godparents to teach their little ones to pray from the time they are small, Pope Francis baptized 13 babies in the Sistine Chapel as their older brothers and sisters looked on -- or got away and ran around.
January 4, 2023
Pope Benedict XVI was a "great teacher of catechesis" whose "sharp and gentle thinking" led others to encounter Jesus, Pope Francis said.
January 2, 2023
The best way to usher in a truly "new" year is to stop waiting for things to get better on their own, and instead recognize what is essential and reach out now to help others, Pope Francis said.
December 31, 2022
Keeping his appointment to celebrate vespers as 2022 was ending, Pope Francis also paid tribute to his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI, who died early Dec. 31.