It has been a year of shame and humiliation for the Church. The clerical abuse scandals have scarred thousands of victims and mortified the faithful worldwide. They have also spurred appeals for repentance and renewal, appeals that are appropriate at Easter.

The excitement surrounding Tiger Woods’ historic win at the Masters golf tournament is undeniable, but it also raises some questions.

It was the bombshell conversation that sealed the fate of a string of federal government officials connecting right up to the office of the prime minister.

For a number of years there was a panhandler standing outside St. Michael’s Cathedral in downtown Toronto. His name was Francis. I liked him quite a bit. Which should not be thought of as a given since there are some panhandlers who, over the years, have gotten on my nerves. I know it is not a Christian thing to say but there it is.


Quebec’s Bill 21, which bans the wearing/display of religious symbols to those employed in “positions of authority,” is an absolute abomination and outright display of racial and religious intolerance.

Vaccinating young children against a wide range of diseases is a medical and moral imperative, and a smart practice parents should embrace.

Each year in Kingston, we have the honour of hosting our annual St. John Fisher Dinner, a fundraiser which supports the mission of Catholic Christian Outreach at Queen’s University. We invite a distinguished speaker and have been blessed to highlight places where the Church is under persecution.

The art world is abuzz about the whereabouts of the mysterious painting of Jesus Christ attributed to Leonardo da Vinci.

Nigeria’s Christians

Most people know about the massacre that occurred in two mosques in New Zealand, where 50 Muslim worshippers were murdered.

There’s a saying statisticians love to trot out when questioned on the value of their surveys. “You are what you measure.”

A recent cover of The Catholic Register featured a heartbreaking picture of a tearful woman in a hijab being comforted in the wake of the New Zealand mosque attacks.