An upcoming seminar being delivered by Msgr. Robert Nusca is hoping to further amplify the hidden message of hope found in one of the New Testament’s most puzzling reads — the Book of Revelation.

Published in Canada

Imagery lends an elegant aesthetic, provokes deeper thought

Published in Features

Barely half of Canadian Roman Catholics have a Bible at home, and only about a third self-report engaging with Scripture monthly, says a study by Angus Reid and two predominantly non-Catholic institutions.

Published in Canada

What are some of your favourite stories from the Bible? The Bible is “inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness.

Published in Guest Faith Columns

The Bible in a Year (BIAY) podcast launched by Catholic priest Fr. Mike Schmitz and biblical scholar Jeff Cavins has emerged as a religious media phenomenon among North American audiences.

Published in Youth Speak News

Congratulations on navigating another year of school burdened with COVID-19 adversity. I cannot understate that kids, teens, young adults and mature students alike all deserve to bask in the glow of summer vacation.

Published in YSN: Speaking Out

Kids like picture books. So why should children’s Bibles be any different?

Published in Arts News

There is an old joke among Catholics that if you want to quote something from the Bible, ask a good Protestant.

Published in Book News

HONG KONG – Every evening, no matter how busy or tired she may be, Yiu reads the Bible at home to her 7-year-old granddaughter. Sometimes, parishioners from Changzhi Diocese in north-central China's Shanxi province, come and join her, reports

Published in International

MANILA, Philippines – Remember what Jesus' cross stands for, and don't misuse the Bible to justify the death penalty, said the Philippines' Catholic bishops.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY – On the first Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis said if we want to fight against the temptation of sin, we must be familiar with the Word of God – treating the Bible more like how we treat our cellphone.

Published in Faith

By the authors’ count, the Quran has been translated into English 212 times since the 17th century — but never like this.

Published in Book News

CHICAGO – Kenneth A. Briggs has been on the “Godbeat” for years, as a religion reporter for Newsday, as religion editor at The New York Times and now as a contributor to the National Catholic Reporter.

Published in Faith

It’s a long way from Hollywood, yet a swampy corner of southeast Mississippi has given the film world its latest hero — or maybe antihero.

Published in Movie News

The Bible just got more textable.

Published in Arts News
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