B.C. pastor reveals power of Catholic worldview

From the cover art through the 175 pages that follow, Fr. Harrison Ayre’s new book is a contemplative experience.

Inner child takes Kat Higgins to Nashville’s heights

Singer songwriter Kat Higgins has finally discovered her Vancouver voice, and it only took relocating to Nashville a decade ago to find it.

A thorough look at Benedict’s life

In two decades as a Catholic convert, I am privileged to have called Holy Father two immense Popes: the unconquerable Pole, St. John Paul ll; and the scholarly German, Benedict XVI.

Remembering town’s Irish, Catholic past

The hamlet of Downeyville in Ontario’s Kawartha Lakes region is a very different town from when author and community historian Dan Sullivan grew up there in the 1950s and ’60s.

Actor sees similarities between Dickens’ age and today

Celebrated Canadian actor Robert Holmes (R.H.) Thomson is about to step back into his element after a pandemic-induced hiatus.

'Superstar' resurrected for 50th anniversary

Count Fr. Paul Massel among the Canadian theatre lovers hyped for the return of Jesus Christ Superstar, now on stage in Toronto.

Embracing the gift of life through music

VANCOUVER -- Living with cerebral palsy and blindness, restricted to a wheelchair, 35-year-old Melanie Krishna does not fit anyone’s preconceived image of a singer-songwriter. But the St. Joseph’s, Langley, B.C., parishioner is not only a member of a community choir and an enthusiastic singer of hymns at Mass, she has also produced her own CD — one filled with joyous, life-affirming songs that she wrote herself.

The Catholic Picasso

When Pablo Picasso said “The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls,” it wasn’t a casual remark. Picasso thought a lot about his own soul, the soul of the Spanish nation, the soul of 20th-century modern art, and he thought about it in very Catholic terms.

Showtime for Our Lady of the Cape

The final countdown is on until Our Lady of the Cape receives its splashy film premiere treatment.

Lost and found in Dante’s Indiana

Randy Boyagoda takes a bold dive into some of society’s most contentious issues in his latest novel, Dante’s Indiana.

Opera Atelier’s first film production evolves past a tragedy and a pandemic

There are no ugly angels. In the entire 10,000-year history of art, from the caves of Lescaux through the Mystical Nativity of Sandro Botticelli to Ms. Fleming’s Grade 3 art class, every single depiction of angels is a depiction of beauty. Opera Atelier co-artistic director Marshall Pynkoski knows why.