Mickey Conlon, The Catholic Register

Mickey Conlon, The Catholic Register

It may be 30 years since Cardinal Michael Czerny left the Jesuit-run Central American University in El Salvador, but it’s not a place that has forgotten him.

Two dioceses in eastern Ontario — one Catholic and one Anglican — along with two religious orders are in talks to share one facility for all four entities’ archival records.

Kathy Irvin admits she takes her role in music ministry seriously.

Whoever wins the Oct. 21 federal election will be focused on families and helping them get ahead — or so it would seem with the early slate of promises pouring out from the platforms of the ruling Liberals, the Conservatives and the NDP.

When Fr. Maurice Restivo looked out upon a packed congregation — about double Our Lady of Assumption Church’s capacity — he knew the historic parish was back.

For almost three centuries Catholics in Prince Edward Island have been able to call St. Dunstan’s their home, the last 100 years in the current cathedral basilica situated prominently on historic Great George Street in the heart of Charlottetown.

The leaders of Canada’s major political parties may have closed the door on the abortion debate, but pro-lifers across the country say it’s the people in the back benches of Parliament who will ultimately have the final say.

As Carlos Nunes and his team uncover the visual glories that have been plastered, painted and papered over in historic churches, he can’t help but joke about what that work has meant to him and the livelihood of other fine art restorers.

ShareLife’s 2019 campaign may not have reached its goal, nor matched last year’s standard, but Arthur Peters is still viewing the campaign through a positive lens.

The 1,000-plus tickets made available to Toronto’s Catholic community for an archdiocesan-sponsored federal election debate were gobbled up within three days.