Catholic principals to meet in Windsor

  • April 9, 2010
{mosimage}TORONTO - The 12th annual Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario conference will highlight the vocation of Catholic school principals across the province.

The theme of this year’s conference is “Embracing Our Catholic Vocation.” The conference runs from April 22 to 24 in Windsor, Ont.

Council president Paul Lacalamita said principals are “invested” in the faith formation of their community.

“We see the principal’s role as a vocation, not just a job,” he said.

“The Catholic school principal’s vocation is one of instructional leadership. It’s working in community with other members, students and staff for a single purpose of being fully alive which is reflective of our Catholic faith.”

Newly appointed Ontario education minister Leona Dombrowsky will be one of the conference’s keynote speakers. A former Catholic school trustee, Dombrowsky will address the council for the first time as minister.

Motivational speaker Doon Wilkins will also deliver a keynote address, while Lou Rocha, a former council executive director, will lead a session on promoting and protecting Catholic education in Ontario.

“We have to understand the history and rights of our system. Our primary message is that we are part of a very successful school system in Ontario, being one of four original pillars from the time of Confederation,” Rocha said.

The importance of continuing to raise awareness about Catholic education comes at a critical time, he said, as enrolment in Catholic public schools has declined in recent years.

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