Help is on the way for Ontario's classrooms
Ontario’s special needs students have received a helping hand from the Ministry of Education to the delight of the Catholic teachers’ union.
TORONTO – An award-winning program at Blessed Cardinal Newman High School is providing students with special needs the opportunity to learn valuable life skills while serving others.
A genuine smile makes a big difference when one walks into a store. At St. Jude’s Academy of the Arts, you might even be welcomed with a hug from one of the special needs clients helping at the gift shop that day.
Provincial cuts to TCDSB not as drastic as expected
TORONTO - Toronto’s Catholic school board will still see fewer dollars from the provincial Grants for Student Needs next school year.
Vanier’s ‘revolutionary reality’ lives in L’Arche
In 1964, when Jean Vanier quietly launched L’Arche, he says he had “no idea that this would be a revolutionary reality . . . that it would grow.”
OECTA president to focus on relationship building
Over the next two years Ann Hawkins hopes to use her position as the new Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association’s (OECTA) president to build relationships and protect the Catholic classroom.
Toronto Catholic board could see 300 teacher cuts
TORONTO - Budgeting blunders that left an unexpected deficit, coupled with a potential two-per-cent cut in provincial grants, could leave the Toronto Catholic District School Board with more than 300 fewer frontline educators in September.