TCDSB project aims to mend poor relations with First Nations
By Evan Boudreau, The Catholic RegisterTORONTO - In the province’s largest and most urbanized Catholic school board, efforts are being made to mend the wounds caused by Indian residential schools.
Revised religious ed curriculum approved
By Michael Swan, The Catholic RegisterFor the first time in 20 years six- and seven-year-olds are getting new religion textbooks, their teachers are getting new lesson plans and parents are getting new ways of helping kids in religion class.
Student strike has minimal effect on Catholic schools
By Evan Boudreau, The Catholic RegisterTORONTO - As thousands of parents pulled their children from school for a week in protest of Ontario’s sex-ed curriculum, it seems the majority taking part are from the province’s public schools.
TCDSB focused on family
By Evan Boudreau, The Catholic Register[This article updates and corrects a previous version.]
TORONTO - The province’s largest Catholic school board will place an extra emphasis on the family next September as part of its multi-year strategic plan.
Students inspired to play like champs
By Catholic Register SpecialHAMILTON, ONT. - At Hamilton’s St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School, members of the senior soccer teams are learning more than just tactics, strategy and skills specific to their sport; they’re learning how faith contributes to their game.
Program aims to empower youth in their relationships
By Jean Ko Din, The Catholic RegisterRICHMOND HILL, Ont. - Cynthia Bettio said it is rare for a teacher to get an instant feeling of satisfaction from their students, but last semester, she witnessed her Grade 11 parenting class go from being unsure to empowered.
Parish, school co-operation is essential to the Church
By Evan Boudreau, The Catholic RegisterFr. James Mulligan sees the collaboration between school and parish as an essential component of Catholic education existence.
And with the spread of secularization across nearly all the facilities of contemporary Western society, the need for parish and school to work hand-in-hand is increasing, he said. This poses a challenge for both priests and educators, yet also offers a gift to all those involved with Catholic education.
Chaplain’s spirit will live on at Finamore Field
By Evan Boudreau, The Catholic RegisterMISSISSAUGA, Ont. - St. Francis Xavier Secondary School has renamed its athletic field after former cheering chaplain Brian Finamore.
Students lead efforts against substance abuse
By Evan Boudreau, The Catholic RegisterTORONTO - Catholic schools in urban Ontario are taking a softer approach to curbing substance abuse within their communities by focusing on harm reduction awareness.
Eucharist at the heart of Catholic education
By Richard Olson, Catholic Register SpecialGUELPH, ONT. - In increasingly secular Ontario, the debate about the real or perceived distinctiveness of Catholic education rages on.
Sex-ed opponents call for student strike
By Evan Boudreau, The Catholic RegisterTORONTO - A parent group is calling for children to be pulled out of school during Education Week in Ontario to protest the province’s new sexual-education curriculum.