Toronto’s Caribbean Catholic Church is bringing the sound of the islands to Mass.

Canada’s largest food rescue agency sees an ever-growing demand


When the Second Harvest truck arrives at Margaret’s Toronto East Drop-In Centre, the homeless are the first ones out the door, crowding around the truck to ask driver Hektor Habili what he’s delivering. 

Archdiocese of Toronto among growing number making move to ethical investing


Don’t invest in what you don’t believe in is more than sage, philosophical advice. It’s increasingly mainstream, solid, financial advice.

Trump-style politics is putting religion to the test


As Donald Trump takes the reins of the United States’ presidency, Canadian scholars and politicians are wondering how faith and politics will get along in a world where right-wing, anti-immigrant, anti-trade policies appear to be on the rise.

For over four decades, this photographer documented the underprivileged


The sword of justice sometimes takes the form of a sliver of light that slips into a camera for just 1/60th of a second.

Persecution of Christians has risen for the fourth straight year, says advocacy group


WASHINGTON – Global persecution of Christians has risen for the fourth year in a row and is on a “rapid rise” in Asia, the advocacy group Open Doors UK warned on Wednesday in its annual report on Christian persecution.

Canada’s Christians lag behind on education levels


Canada’s Christian population is less educated than Canadian Jews, Muslims, Hindus and even those who have no religious affiliation.

Africa takes its place in 21st-century Church


The Church, the world and the future are all more African today than they have ever been.

2016 Year in review: walls and bridges


Over and over throughout 2016, Pope Francis spoke of walls and bridges. It is an apt metaphor for much of what transpired in the Catholic world in 2016.

List of top stories from 2016 reflect wide interests of Register readers


One of the more interesting annual exercises for just about any media website is to see which stories gathered the most attention over the last 12 months.

2016 Christmas Features


The Catholic Register's final special section of the year is our Christmas issue! Click here to read all of our holiday special features.