TORONTO - Pope Francis’ mission of healing to Sri Lanka will be a critical moment for Toronto’s huge Tamil community, which includes thousands of refugees still mourning relatives killed in the 26-year Sri Lankan civil war, said Tamil priest and theologian Fr. Joseph Chandrakanthan.

New abortion regulations take hold in New Brunswick


With the new year came fewer abortion restrictions in New Brunswick, to the dismay of pro-lifers.

Rimouski Archbishop Fournier's sudden death a blow to Church

OTTAWA - Rimouski Archbishop Pierre-André Fournier died suddenly Jan. 10 in hospital shortly after losing consciousness and being taken to hospital by ambulance.

Charlie Hebdo 'part of the situation' that led to attack, says Charles Taylor


While nothing can ever justify cold-blooded murder, the Charlie Hebdo murders in Paris are no surprise, said Canada’s most famous Catholic philosopher.

Scarboro Missions puts out the call


Scarboro Missions is seeking those with the guts and grit to answer God’s call to serve as a foreign missioner on a short-term basis.

Anglicans asked to deny gay marriage for good of church


The international Anglican commission with responsibility for keeping the Anglican Communion together has asked the Anglican Church of Canada not to change its canon law to allow same-sex marriage.

Christians maintain hope in Syria’s bleakness


TORONTO - It’s not easy being Syrian, especially if you’re the forgotten minority caught in the tsunami of sectarian massacres and ethnic cleansing referred to as the Syrian civil war.

New executive director for CCAS in Toronto


TORONTO - A new year brings a new exective director for the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto.

Daughters of St. Paul: media mavens for 100 years


TORONTO - Over the years, the strongest of Pauline Sisters could manage the huge printing presses and handle the massive rolls of paper — work that men usually did. But these women religious were determined to share the Gospel the way their founder thought best a century ago: The Daughters of St. Paul were made for media.

Five years after closure, Montreal’s East End Cathedral reopens


Due to an editing error, a previous version of this story incorrectly stated that Montreal's Saint Nom-de-Jesus church was closed due to a fire. There was, in fact, no fire but the church was closed at the insistence of fire inspectors.

MONTREAL - Five years after it was closed, more than a thousand parishioners and visiting dignitaries filled Montreal’s historic Saint Nom-de Jésus on Christmas Eve to celebrate the reopening of their church.

Fr. John D. Geary was happiest in the classroom


TORONTO - As he lay dying, Spiritan Father John D. Geary didn’t just listen to classical music on the stereo in his room, he conducted the invisible orchestra.