{mosimage}TORONTO - The number of people gathered in St. Anne’s Catholic Church in downtown Toronto to commemorate the Acteal massacre in Chiapas 10 years ago was about equal to the 45 indigenous Mexicans who were shot down by a paramilitary group in 1997.

Catholic magazine targetted in human rights complaint


{mosimage}TORONTO - An Edmonton resident has filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission against Catholic Insight, a small Toronto-based magazine of opinion, news and analysis.

Bishops statement on Afghanistan expected soon


{mosimage}TORONTO - Canada’s Catholic bishops may have something to say about Canada’s role in Afghanistan before Parliament debates the issue in March.

Native reality brought to Toronto students


{mosimage}TORONTO - Native teens living in remote northern communities are not provided the same opportunities as southern Canadian teens, said the former Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.  

Latinos find it hard to find a place


{mosimage}TORONTO - When Latin American immigrants say Canada is a cold country they’re not talking about the weather. When Hispanics go looking for the warmth of a community that knows and understands them they often find it more readily in Pentecostal and Evangelical churches than in staid and proper Catholic parishes.

John Paul II day bill reintroduced


TORONTO - On Dec. 13, MPP for Newmarket-Aurora Frank Klees once again introduced in the Ontario Legislature a bill to proclaim April 2 Pope John Paul II Day.

Unborn victims of crime bill debated in House


{mosimage}OTTAWA - The Unborn Victims of Crime Act (C-484) received its first hour of debate in the House of Commons Dec. 13, just before the House rose for a Christmas break.

Aboriginal council calls for path to reconciliation


{mosimage}OTTAWA - The Catholic Aboriginal Council for Reconciliation calls for Christians to “walk together in a path toward reconciliation,” noting that a chapter concerning the residential schools has closed.

Toronto St. Patrick’s parish set for centennial


{mosimage}TORONTO - Hundreds of parishioners pack St. Patrick’s parish for noon hour Mass each Wednesday. They flock from all over Toronto and beyond for weekly devotions to Our Mother of Perpetual Help.

The changing face of Toronto’s church


{mosimage}TORONTO - The linguistic ground is shifting underneath arguably the most diverse diocese in Catholicism, where Mass is celebrated in 34 languages every Sunday morning. The latest numbers from the 2006 Census show quick and dramatic changes in the languages spoken in Toronto.

Catholic faith is a social faith


{mosimage}TORONTO - The Catholic faith has always been a social faith that takes the material world and human bodies seriously, said Fr. William Ryan, S.J.