TORONTO - A renewed debate on whether Canada should join the United States' National Missile Defence scheme desperately needs a Catholic voice, according to Deacon Steve Barringer, a founding member of Catholics For Peace, Toronto. In Barringer's view, a Catholic voice would say "No."

Canadian Hearts and Hands a WYD 2002 legacy

TORONTO - Be the "Salt of the Earth" and the "Light of the World" are two phrases Pope John Paul II uttered during World Youth Day celebrations here in 2002.

Archbishop Weisgerber to deliver Somerville Lecture

Archbishop WeisgerberTORONTO - Winnipeg Archbishop James Weisgerber will speak on bridging our differences in a world divided along cultural, economic and religious lines in the sixth annual Somerville Lecture on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1.

KAIROS takes a funding hit

 OTTAWA - The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) and the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace are cutting their combined contribution to KAIROS by approximately $75,000 next year.

Serra recognizes Toronto altar servers


 TORONTO - There was standing room only at St. Michael's Cathedral for the 21st annual Cardinal Carter Altar Server Awards on Oct. 28.

Auxiliary Bishop Richard Grecco celebrated Mass for just over 430 altar servers from 116 parishes in the archdiocese of Toronto, which is a dramatic increase from 21 years ago when only 30 parishes and 55 altar servers participated in the first such Mass.

Toronto Interfaith Council poised to launch by year end


Toronto Mayor David MillerTORONTO - Faith may be the next force in municipal politics in Toronto, and Mayor David Miller thinks that's a good thing.

NDP establishes faith caucus

NDP Faith and Justice Caucus MPs Charlie Angus, Tony Martin and Joe Comartin.OTTAWA - Religion and politics have often been associated with the so-called religious right, but now a group of New Democrat MPs and party members want to revive the religious left. To that end, they have established a Faith and Justice Caucus.

Priest's candidacy 'painful situation' for church

Father Raymond GravelJoliette Bishop Gilles Lussier has said that by deciding to run for political office, one of his priests has given up his right to perform any sacramental ministry.

Fr. Raymond Gravel's decision to become a candidate for the Bloc Quebecois in a federal byelection is a "painful situation for the church," Lussier said in a press release issued Oct. 31.

U of T hosts Peace Week


TORONTO - The University of Toronto and more than 25 sponsors will organize this year’s Peace Week on campus from Nov. 5 to 11.

ShareLife kicks off corporate campaign


 ShareLife , the fund-raising arm of the archdiocese of Toronto, has set the bar a little higher for its 2007 corporate campaign. At a campaign launch Oct. 19, it was announced that the goal for next year is $1.4 million.

Archdiocese launches new web site


TORONTO - After months of preparation, the archdiocese of Toronto’s new, improved and user-friendly web site — — is available for use to the public.