NEW DELHI – Facing child trafficking allegations at one of its homes for unmarried mothers in India, the Missionaries of Charity said the order condemns the actions of individuals involved and stressed that these are unrelated to the order.
Central African bishops distance themselves from group promising vengeance for murdered priests
By Catholic News Service
NAIROBI, Kenya – Catholic bishops in the Central African Republic have distanced themselves from a group that is promising to defend the church and avenge the deaths of priests.
Vatican guide to consecrated virginity must be read with discernment, canonist says
By Catholic News Agency
WASHINGTON – A new Vatican instruction on the role of consecrated virginity has drawn criticism from an American group, which says that a key paragraph of the document could lead to confusion. At issue is whether entering the Church’s “order of virgins” requires that women actually be virgins.
Nicaraguan bishops to pray for exorcism as violence continues
By Catholic News Service
MANAGUA, Nicaragua – As attacks on Catholic clergy continue and anti-government protesters are besieged by Nicaraguan police and paramilitaries, the bishops said they would pray an exorcism prayer.
NY Times talks to men who got settlements after alleged abuse by Cardinal McCarrick
By Catholic News Service
NEW YORK – A front-page New York Times article published July 16 detailed the alleged abuse of two seminarians in the Diocese of Metuchen, New Jersey, by then-Bishop Theodore E. McCarrick in the 1980s that resulted in settlements to each man.
Carmelite nuns in Aleppo live in 'heroic situation', provincial says
By Catholic News Service
BEIRUT – Amid the destruction in war-torn Syria, a community of Discalced Carmelites in Aleppo perseveres in its mission of continuous prayer and help to families in need.
Trinidad church aims for inclusion of sensory-challenged, disabled parishioners
By Catholic News Service
AROUCA, Trinidad – More than four years ago, Saira Joseph-La Foucade stopped attending Mass.
Preparations begin for Father Arrupe's sainthood cause, postulator of Jesuits says
By Catholic News Service
VATICAN – The general postulator of the Society of Jesus said he has begun compiling all of the writings of Jesuit Father Pedro Arrupe and seeking eyewitnesses who can attest to the holiness of order's late superior general.
Peru's bishops express support to overhaul judicial system
By Catholic News Service
LIMA, Peru – Peru's bishops expressed support for an overhaul of the country's judicial system after phone-tap recordings revealing influence peddling and corruption became public.
Indian officials seek to freeze bank accounts of Missionaries of Charity after child trafficking charges
By Catholic News Service
BHOPAL, India – Indian officials are seeking to freeze bank accounts of the Missionaries of Charity following the arrest of a nun on child trafficking charges in Jharkhand state.
Protecting family unity, family life key to migration agreement, says U.N. nuncio
By Catholic News Service
UNITED NATIONS – The Vatican's nuncio to the United nations welcomed the "inclusion and added emphasis on the right to family unity and to family life" in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration.