Despite distance, Iraqi Christians keep the Christmas spirit alive
By Oscar Durand, Catholic News ServiceISTANBUL – Sami Dankha, his three brothers and their families used to kick off Christmas celebrations by attending a packed Christmas Eve Mass at St. Thomas Church in Baghdad. Wearing brand new clothes and sporting fresh haircuts, they would spend the night chatting, singing and eating pacha, a dish made from sheep's head that Iraqis consider a delicacy and a staple of Christmas.
Mideast Christians, especially those displaced, face mounting challenges
By Dale Gavlak, Catholic News ServiceWASHINGTON – As Christians in the Middle East look back on 2016, they wonder if there will be much to celebrate amid mounting challenges, particularly for those displaced by conflicts in Iraq and Syria.
Solving Mideast crisis, bringing peace to region decades away, speaker says
By Matthew Gambino, Catholic News ServiceVILLANOVA, Pa. – Consensus about the Middle East and its long-simmering tensions might seem hard to come by, but a dozen international scholars, government officials and leaders of nongovernmental organizations found a few points of agreement during a meeting at Villanova University.
Pope Francis names new archbishop of Krakow, Poland
By CNA/EWTN NewsKRAKOW, Poland – Archbishop Marek Jedraszweski has been named the new shepherd of Poland's Krakow archdiocese by Pope Francis, following the retirement of Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz.
Assisted suicide remains illegal in South Africa after court ruling
By CNA/EWTN NewsPRETORIA, South Africa – While countries around the world such as Canada, Germany and Japan have passed legislation to legalize physician assisted suicide, one has ruled to reject it: South Africa.
Pope's Homily: Priests are called to console, not heap obligations on people
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY – Priests are called to be mediators between God and God's people, offering their time and their very lives in service; they are not God's "intermediaries" or functionaries, who go to work to get paid or, worse, enter the priesthood in search of status, Pope Francis said.
Baby Jesus reminds us of painful plight of migrants, Pope says before Christmas tree lighting
By Carol Glatz, Catholic News ServiceVATICAN CITY – The Christmas tree and Nativity scene are symbols of God's love and hope, reminding us to contemplate the beauty of creation and welcome the marginalized, Pope Francis said.
Venezuelan bishops condemn murder of 12 youths by government agents
By CNA/EWTN NewsCARACAS, Venezuela – The Venezuelan bishops' justice and peace commission on Tuesday repudiated the murders of 12 young men by an operation of the Liberation of the People, a government security team meant to combat crime and homicide.
Ohio lawmakers revive 'heartbeat abortion' ban
By CNA/EWTN NewsCOLUMBUS, Ohio – Citing the prospect of a more favourable Supreme Court, Ohio legislators have passed a ban on abortions once an unborn child’s heartbeat can be detected.
'Unbelievable' – Persecuted Christian bishops denied UK visas
By CNA/EWTN NewsLONDON, England – U.K. officials drew strong criticism for denying visas to Middle East bishops from regions that have suffered Islamic State group persecution, preventing them from attending a cathedral consecration.
Doctors warn Australian state against legalizing euthanasia
By CNA/EWTN NewsMELBOURNE, Australia – The government of the Australian state of Victoria is looking to legalize euthanasia in 2017, but physicians have warned of the risk of diminishing palliative care, already under-utilized and underfunded.