WARSAW, Poland – Catholic experts warned that new rules on religion in China could severely hamper the church's work by curbing its foreign contacts and imposing heavy penalties for unauthorized activity.
When political choice is tough, pray and vote your conscience, says Pope on U.S. election
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceABOARD THE PAPAL FLIGHT FROM AZERBAIJAN – Catholics facing difficult political choices must study the issues, pray about the election and then vote according to their consciences, Pope Francis said.
Tolerance is good for society, the soul, Pope says at Azerbaijani mosque
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceBAKU, Azerbaijan – As the spiritual leader of a tiny religious minority in Azerbaijan, Pope Francis told the leaders of the country's other religious communities that they share a responsibility to help people grow in faith, but also in tolerance for the faith of others.
Pope encourages Azerbaijan's Catholics to be people of faith, service
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceAKU, Azerbaijan – Catholics cannot "economize" when it comes to spending time in prayer with God and in service to other people, Pope Francis told members of Azerbaijan's tiny Catholic community.
Dialogue, respect for differences are key to progress, Pope says
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceBAKU, Azerbaijan – Cooperation, peace and prosperity come when people know how to hold fast to their cultural and religious identities without ever denigrating or trying to deny the rights and identities of others, Pope Francis said.
Kenyan churches demand HIV test for couples wanting to marry
By Fredrick Nzwili, Religion News ServiceNAIROBI, Kenya – Some Kenyan churches are demanding premarital HIV testing before weddings, a trend activists warn is infringing on the rights of people living with HIV and AIDS.
Pope sees 'global war' against marriage, urges church help for couples
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceTBILISI, Georgia – Pope Francis said a global war against marriage is underway and Catholics must respond by helping couples stay strong and by providing pastoral care to those experiencing difficulty.
Americans divide over transgender bathrooms and wedding services for gays
By Lauren Markoe, Religion News ServiceWhen it comes to contraception, a clear majority of Americans say employers should be required to cover it in their health care plans — even if they have religious objections.
Unity and division: Ecumenical realities on display at papal Mass in Georgia
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceTBILISI, Georgia – At a papal Mass focused on two female saints, the longing for Christian unity and the painful reality of Christian division were strong undertones.
Pope, Georgian patriarch pledge to witness to Gospel as brothers
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceTBILISI, Georgia – Paying honor to the steadfast faith of Orthodox Christians in Georgia, Pope Francis nevertheless urged them to draw closer to other Christians and work together to share the Gospel.
With Chaldean Catholics, Pope prays for peace in Syria, Iraq
By Cindy Wooden, Catholic News ServiceTBILISI, Georgia – At a brief prayer service with Chaldean Catholics in Georgia, Pope Francis pleaded with God to grant peace to persecuted Christians and the victims of war, especially in Syria and Iraq.