National Catholic Mission to air on Vision TV

  • March 22, 2009
{mosimage}TORONTO - A little prayer, a little penitence and a little preparation are all on their way to tens of thousands of Canadian living rooms.

The National Catholic Broadcasting Council will again present the annual National Catholic Mission on Vision TV April 6 and 7. Check local listings for times in your area.

The biggest audience for the annual mission was recorded in 2006 when more than 50,000 tuned in, according to Vision.

This year’s even will feature Alexandria-Cornwall’s Bishop Paul-André Durocher on the true meaning of salvation. Jesuit Father Brian Massie and religious education expert David Wells from Plymouth, England, will follow with advice about finding God in your own life.

Music is courtesy of fiddler Natalie MacMaster and singer Michael Burgess.

The NCCB buys the time for the annual Lenten mission from Vision. It also presents the daily Mass on Vision, Salt+Light and CTS from Toronto’s St. Basil’s Church. Daily Mass is available on You Tube at

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