Published in
Youth Speak News
September 9, 2020
Pro-life network aims for high school foothold
The National Campus Life Network (NCLN) is expanding its pro-life activism into 15 Catholic or Christian high schools across Canada this school year.
Published in
Youth Speak News
April 8, 2020
Campus pro-life group launches webinar series
The quarantine measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 have ground the National Campus Life Network’s (NCLN) face-to-face activism to a halt, but not its voice.
Published in
Youth Speak News
June 12, 2014
NCLN combats commodity culture
TORONTO - North America’s culture of convenience and commodities is diminishing the dignity of the human person and thus, as St. John Paul II wrote in his encyclical Evangelium Vitae, is creating a culture of death.
Published in
Youth Speak News