“I go on ahead to prepare a place for you!” Jesus speaks those words to His disciples on the eve of His death as He sits at table with them and senses their sadness as they grapple with His dying, His going away.
Palliative care is about living, not dying, says expert
OTTAWA – Palliative care is about living and celebrating life and should begin much earlier than a during a patient’s last days and weeks of life, palliative care physician Dr. Jose Pereira said Feb. 18.
An imperfect people on a spiritual journey to God
Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year C) April 24 (Acts 14:21b-27; Psalm 145; Revelation 21:1-5a; John 13:1, 31-33a, 34-35)
What sort of word did Paul and Barnabas proclaim to the communities they founded? We can expect that the death and resurrection of Jesus was first on the list — details about His life came later. Most importantly, their proclamation included the warning that Jesus had been appointed judge of the living and the dead.