Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

In honour of International Women’s Day on March 8, we look into The Catholic Register archive for a story of the first Canadian-born saint and founder of the Grey Nuns of Montreal, St. Marguerite d’Youville, born in Varennes, Que., in 1701. This story was published May 9, 1959, days after her beatification by Pope John XXIII. She was canonized in 1990.

Monica Marcelli-Chu had to go halfway around the world to figure out her life path, and it led her right back home.

To mark The Register’s 125th year, we are re-publishing some stories from our archive. February 1893 marked the 15th anniversary of the reign of Pope Leo XIII (below), who would go on to serve 25 years, the third longest reign in history. This excerpt from The Register of Feb. 2, 1893 looks at the Pope’s election and his accomplishments:

To mark The Register’s 125th year, we are re-publishing some interesting stories from our archive. As we celebrate Black History Month, here’s an article from March 20, 1965, reporting on a march in Ottawa that drew thousands in support of the civil rights movement in the United States. The event was held shortly after the historic Selma to Montgomery march in Alabama on March 7 that resulted in state troopers attacking demonstrators on what became known as “Bloody Sunday.”

To mark The Catholic Register’s 125th year, we are digging into our archive to re-publish interesting stories from the pages of our past. As the 2018 Winter Olympics prepares to open Feb. 9 in Pyeongchang, South Korea, we look back at Canada’s hockey entry in the 1964 Games at Innsbruck, a team built and coached by Fr. David Bauer. A controversial scoring system meant Canada finished fourth and out of the medals despite a 5-2 record, but the team’s showing inspired words of comfort from columnist Fr. Tom Raby in The Register, in the Feb. 22, 1964 issue:

As a member of the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada and the Canadian Church Press, The Catholic Register adheres to a code of ethics which includes a pledge to fully attribute material reprinted from other sources. Following allegations that a freelance contributor to The Register failed to meet those standards, the article originally published on this page has been removed.
To mark The Register’s 125th year, we are digging into our archive to re-publish interesting stories from the pages of our past. As Pope Francis winds up his visit to Chile and Peru, we take a look back at another papal visit — the first one ever to Canada. Here is an excerpt from The Register article on Pope John Paul II’s first day on Canadian soil, Sept. 9, 1984.

As The Catholic Register marks its 125th year, we will dig into our archive to unearth interesting stories from the pages of the past. This week, we revisit St. André Bessette, the humble Holy Cross brother who was the prime mover in the building of St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal and is credited with countless healings through his devotion to St. Joseph. He died on Jan. 6, 1937 (his feast day is Jan. 7) at the age of 91 and was made a saint in 2010. The following article appeared in The Catholic Register on Aug. 25, 1927, shortly after Br. André turned 83 years old.

Throughout this 125th anniversary year of The Catholic Register, we will be celebrating the rich history of Canada’s oldest Catholic newspaper. This week, rather than our usual Letters to the Editor, we have dipped into the archive to see what issues the newspaper was addressing in 1918 as The Register turned 25 years old.

Jasmeen Arcentales says she wants to be an artist when she grows up. Judging by her entry in The Catholic Register’s annual Christmas drawing contest, we’d say she’s an artist already.