Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

Pope Francis warned Christians on Friday against ideologies on love and intellectual theories, saying these strip away the Flesh of the Church and ruin it. He was speaking during his Mass celebrated on Friday morning at the Santa Marta residence.

Showing respect for human dignity should never include the "false mercy" of helping someone prematurely end their life, Cardinal Thomas Collins told a packed audience Nov. 10 at the 37th annual Cardinal's Dinner in Toronto.

Catholic Register's latest special is about estate planning and planned giving. Click here to check out all of our feature stories!

Rev. Major Mike Dalton is Canada’s most decorated Roman Catholic chaplain, but that only tells us he did his job very well. A greater part of his story is what is revealed in his diaries written from the World War II battlefields of Europe, of the humanity and spirituality that could be found even in the most grim of settings.

Canada’s Catholic bishops have joined forces with the Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox bishops in Canada to raise money for restoration of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

This week's Catholic Register special is on Higher Catholic Education. Click here to read them all!

In his new book More Than Survive, author Fr. Frank Freitas proposes that God wants us to thrive in an increasingly hectic world. What follows is an excerpt from More Than Survive, published this month by Catholic Register Books.

A Canadian-Australian mining company that went to court because the government of El Salvador wouldn’t give it a mining permit has had its $328 million claim rejected and was ordered to pay $10.5 million in legal costs to El Salvador.

WINDSOR, ONT. – A Windsor priest was sentenced to 10 months in jail and ordered to repay $75,000 to his former parish after a judge ruled the pastor preyed on victims who "were vulnerable given their faith and trust in their priest.”

This short book is boiled down from an interesting and at times incendiary interview of Cardinal Raymond Burke by French author Guillaume d’Alançon. Interesting in that it offers insight into the thoughts of a distinguished and highly influential Churchman. Incendiary in that it often seems d’Alançon is seeking to juxtapose the thought of Burke with that of Pope Francis in a way that may (and possibly seeks to) inflame divisions within the Church.