Catholic Register Staff

Catholic Register Staff

The following is the Easter message from Archbishop Richard Gagnon, president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops and Archbishop of Winnipeg:

With rising COVID-19 cases across Ontario, the provincial government has implemented a province-wide “emergency brake” that will lower capacity for worship services.

Two of the most joyous occasions in the Catholic calendar are Christmas and Easter, and they are made ever more joyous seen through the eyes of young people.

Lives deprived

The government of Argentina — a country that has given us Pope Francis — recently legalized abortion up to the 14th week of pregnancy. It has decided to break God’s fifth commandment — “Thou shalt not kill.” How shameful, disrespectful and irreverent.

Lenten warmth

Just a couple of things I feel are noteworthy for they have warmed my heart in these past Lenten weeks. 

Justice denied

The jailing of Fr. Stan Swamy for defending the human rights of an impoverished group against their overlords supported by a bigoted Hindhu fundamentalist political party makes a complete mockery of India’s boast of being the largest democracy in the world.

Restrictions on places of worship in grey lockdown zones will be loosened and churches will be able to host services with up to 15 per cent of their capacity as of March 15.

Love story

Re: Is technology threatening our humanity? (Jan. 17):

My youngest son was born in 2015. On the third day of his life, the geneticist told me that my son was born with Trisomy 21, otherwise known as Down syndrome.

The Archdiocese of Toronto has come to the defence of a man who drew complaints to police for comments he made concerning a proposal to fly the gay pride flag to recognize June’s “Pride Month” at Toronto Catholic schools.

When Nicholas De Castro sat down to write what became an award-winning essay for the annual Friars’ Student Writing Contest, one image immediately came to mind: Mother Teresa.