Michael Swan, The Catholic Register
Michael is Associate Editor of The Catholic Register.
He is an award-winning writer and photographer and holds a Master of Arts degree from New York University.
Follow him on Twitter @MmmSwan, or click here to email him.
Tackling the stigma around mental health
For the parish that seeks to know, understand and draw a little closer to suffering — the suffering of Christ on the Cross or the suffering of their brothers and sisters — there is a resource hidden in the pews, quietly praying. People who struggle with depression, addiction, anxiety, compulsions and social phobias have suffered, will suffer and know suffering. The mentally ill and those struggling with mental health can teach a parish about suffering.
Seeking common ground in a polarized world
When Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us” in a comic strip back in 1970, he didn’t know the half of it. Pogo never heard of Twitter, attack ads, bot farms or “doing your own research.” Pogo could never have imagined a Church or society broken down into political and cultural sects caught up in perpetual rhetorical war with one another.
Children’s aid faces up to race issues
Less than 10 per cent of the children in Toronto are Black, yet more than half the kids in the care of the Catholic Children’s Aid Society of Toronto are Black. Priscilla Manful is determined to do something about it.
A step further on pilgrimage of penance
Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery, endorsing the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, confessing the sin of a colonizing mentality, promising to stand with Indigenous peoples when they struggle for their land and their rights and committing the Church to reconciliation with Indigenous people world-wide — all this arrived in a two-page statement issued jointly by two Vatican dicasteries as another step in the pilgrimage of penance Pope Francis undertook in Canada last summer.
Development and Peace protests foreign aid cuts
The federal government plans to spend a lot of money — $496.9 billion in 2023-24 — but the growth in federal spending projected by the latest budget hasn’t done anything for Canadian agencies that deliver humanitarian assistance and development aid in poor countries around the world.
Churches must press government on climate, MP says
As the world’s scientists once again draw attention to the dire state of a warming planet, it’s time for churches to up their game on climate change, said Green Party leader Elizabeth May.
Installation Mass filled with ‘theological richness’
Installing a new bishop is a very big deal. And every big deal in a Catholic diocese calls for a big liturgy.
Indigenous reconciliation fund hits first target
The $30 million Indigenous Reconciliation Fund has achieved its first-year goal of raising $9.4 million and the fund’s board has greenlit 17 projects.
Hospice care shut out of Ontario budget
After Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy finished outlining how his government intended to spend $204 billion in 2023-2024, hospice director Julie Aubé and her team at Maison McColloch Hospice in Sudbury were still dependent on the Sudbury Food Bank to feed patients at the largest hospice in the province.
Putting the ‘Catholic’ into teachers college
There are 40,000 Catholic teachers in Ontario and thousands more in the four provinces that provide some level of public funding to Catholic schools, to say nothing of even more who work in private Catholic schools. But there’s no Catholic teachers’ college in Canada, with the lone exception of the Faculty of Education at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, N.S. — not a province with publicly funded Catholic schools.