Catholic Register Staff
Cardinal Collins sends a message of giving for Lent
Cardinal Thomas Collins is calling on Catholics to remember the importance of almsgiving this Lenten season.
If it was up to Dr. Barrie deVeber, his name would not be on the institution dedicated to researching all aspects of human life.
Victims shed harsh light on sex abuse at Vatican summit
The abuse summit began with the voices of the abused … five testimonies gathered from around the world.
Mount Cashel opened eyes to world of abuse
As the Catholic Church comes to grips with an appalling past that saw thousands of children and vulnerable people exposed to abuse at the hands of clergy around the world, Canadians can only turn back the clock to remember when the scourge dominated the headlines at home.
Readers Speak Out: Trump bashing, shifting values, the Church is not mean (January 3, 2019)
Trump bashers
What is happening to The Catholic Register? It used to report about Catholic Canadian values. Now it consistently bashes Donald Trump. Trump is not perfect, but which politician is? However, he is pro-life. Because of his pro-life belief, the tide may be turning in the United States. Millions of children can be saved.
Readers Speak Out: Action on nuclear treaty, Fox facts, rocking the boat (February 10, 2019)
Ban the nukes
Re: Churches want action on nuclear treaty (Jan. 27):
It’s safe to say that nuclear weapons now pose the greatest threat to humanity. Rising tensions between major powers have increased the danger of a nuclear war that could end human civilization. The United States and Russia alone possess 90 per cent of the world’s nuclear arms.
Letters to the Editor: January 27, 2019
End all persecution
Re: Persecution hits close to home (Jan. 13):
Bob Brehl states “we can go on and on about the persecutions of Christians around the world,” then abruptly switches to a story from The New York Times which discusses the homosexual individual from a Catholic San Diego parish who was harassed. Am I the only one who sees a disconnect?
Readers Speak Out: January 13, 2019
Lack of respect
Re: Van Hee launches a constitutional challenge of bubble zone law (Dec. 2):
Thank you for the good coverage of pro-life hero Fr. Tony Van Hee.
The undemocratic bubble-zone law, in effect forbidding helpful outreach to pregnant women seeking an abortion, really needs to be challenged. But I have one question about the headline in The Register, in reference to Fr. Tony Van Hee as simply “Van Hee.” This sounds cold and disrespectful.
I am aware it is standard practice in the media to refer to people in headlines by only their surnames, and not their titles. But might not this lack of respect also tie into society’s disrespect of human life, and even God Himself? Just musing.
Yvonne Dienesch,
Eganville, Ont.
Two Windsor priests dismissed after abuse investigations
Two priests in Windsor, Ont., have been removed from their duties after separate investigations into allegations of sexual abuse.
Readers Speak Out: December 30 – January 6, 2019
Blame the culture
I salute St. Michael’s College School for their deft handling of the sexual bullying scandal. The alacrity and transparency displayed should be used as a template by all Catholic institutions.