Bob Brehl: Hope arises in U.S. gun laws debate
- By Robert Brehl
God's word on Sunday: Commandments needed now more than ever
Editorial: Listen to youth
Trudeau's Indian missteps a lesson for all of us
Beneath Canadians’ cringing at Justin Trudeau’s embarrassing Indian amble, there seemed charitable hope he could use the debacle for hard reflection on the difference between image and reality.
Charles Lewis: Gun violence needs more than prayers
The massacre of 17 innocents at a Parkland, Fla., high school is not fading out of the news as quickly as other similar tragedies that have plagued the United States.
Cathy Majtenyi: Faith-based values are not bargaining chips
It’s a sneaky way to make a government look progressive, a religion look regressive, and to divide a congregation.
Vanessa Santilli-Raimondo: Silence is indeed golden
In today’s world, people are mostly foreign to stillness.
God's word on Sunday: Abraham's offering is a lesson in trust
Second Sunday of Lent, Feb. 25 (Year B) Genesis 22:1-2, 9-13, 15-18; Psalm 116; Romans 8:31b-35, 37; Mark 9:2-10
Glen Argan: Legislation alone will not cure racism
Last May, my wife, daughters and I stayed at a resort on a First Nations reserve on Vancouver Island to celebrate my mother-in-law’s 80th birthday. The last night we were there, my mother-in-law moved into town, and my wife and I slept in the yurt where she had stayed.
- By Glen Argan
Bob Brehl: Weapons of mass domestic destruction
On Valentine’s Day, there was yet another U.S. massacre when a shooter killed 17 Florida high school students and wounded a score more.
- By Robert Brehl
Editorial: A dynamic duo
Since his stunning decision five years ago to renounce the papacy, Pope Emeritus Benedict has been spent his time praying, reading, strolling, enjoying music and welcoming friends. He has stayed far from the Vatican limelight and, as he promised, clear of any words or deeds that might suggest even an inkling of interference in the work of his successor.