Catholic Register Staff
Readers Speak Out: November 8, 2020
Serious decline
I read with some concern your article of Oct. 24, “Regis, St. Mike’s alliance in works.” When, during my tenure as President of the University of St. Michael’s College (2015-18), I found that similar discussions had been launched, I argued against the initiative. Our faculty of theology was losing money and students and was, in my view, struggling academically. To the extent that it had an identity, it was largely indistinguishable from the sad, secular drift of the Toronto School of Theology.
Readers Speak Out: November 1, 2020
Democrat posturing
Stan Swamy is an 83-year-old Jesuit priest and for the past 30 or more years has helped the poorest of the poor to exercise their human rights, for which he has now been accused of being a terrorist by Narendra Modi’s BJP government and is now languishing in jail.
Readers Speak Out: October 25, 2020
Active bishops
Re: Letters to the Editor (Sept. 13):
Mr. Ray Temmerman, a past National President of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace - Caritas Canada (CCODP), in his letter states: “In 1967, the Catholic Church in Canada chose to give birth to a new life, the organization we have come to know as D&P. It was to be an independent, lay-led, Catholic institution delivering competent, professional development aid.” Further, he states that in founding the organization the bishops then became its “fathers.”
Canadian religious leaders condemn Bill C-7
Religious leaders across Canada have expressed their concern and opposition with the recently reintroduced Bill C-7 which would expand access to medically assisted dying.
Readers Speak Out: October 4, 2020
Holy time
As a liturgical musician for more than 50 years, I feel obliged to comment on the Sept. 13 article “Musical dilemma over abuse claims.”
Pope Francis' address to United Nations General Assembly, Sept. 25
Address by Pope Francis to the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 25:
Readers Speak Out: September 27, 2020
Ensure equality
Canada is not a racist country. This is so obvious that it feels wrong to have to say it. Yet we saw this charge, of systemic racism, in The Register’s Sept. 6 issue.
Readers Speak Out: September 20, 2020
Loving enemies
Re: Tabernacle stolen from St. Catharines cathedral:
It is rather interesting that the discarded tabernacle was found on Sept. 9, and the very next day the Gospel reading from Luke (Ch. 6: 27-38) was as if Jesus came out to speak to anyone who might be feeling angry and hateful towards the criminals who did such a disrespectful act: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who abuse you.” When I read the article I did feel very angry and wanted to exchange with family and friends all kinds of hateful words about the criminals, just making my assumption who they might be.
Readers Speak Out: September 13, 2020
Work together
As a Past President of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development & Peace – Caritas Canada (D&P), I am very pleased to see that the bishops want to return to the National Council (NC), the governing board of the organization. I have always believed their presence at NC meetings is imperative.
Readers Speak Out: September 3, 2020
Support for priest
In a recent edition The Catholic Register reported that Fr. Nino Cavoto, pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Parish in Toronto, has been removed from ministry following the Archdiocese of Toronto receiving an allegation that he had abused a minor while serving at a parish in the New York archdiocese between 1979 and 1983.