Hang on for dear life.

Unfortunately, the dearness of life seems to be dying a not-so-slow death.

Published in Guest Columns

Doctors may be men and women of action, but before a patient dies they should be open and available for lots of talk, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is advising its members.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - The Catholic Women’s League, Canada’s largest women’s organization, has issued a statement that affirms its opposition to euthanasia and assisted suicide and urges Ottawa to create of a national palliative care strategy. 

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - The Catholic Organization for Life and Family (COLF) launched its national palliative care campaign Oct. 3 with the support of Canada’s Catholic bishops. 

Published in Canada

BEAUPRÉ, QUE. - Canada's bishops will launch a national campaign this fall to combat a push in Canada to legalize euthanasia.

Published in Canada

Thomas Andrew Echlin will never know what he started in 1955, when he died at home with his mother just days after he was born.

Published in Canada

Pressure is building on the federal government to get busy on a national palliative care strategy.

Published in Canada
June 11, 2014

Put words in action

Seldom does the House of Commons speak as one voice. So Parliament’s recent near-unanimous support of a motion to make palliative care a national priority was encouraging and welcomed. Yet the roar will quickly fade to a whisper without sincere government action to turn this rare cross-party unanimity into meaningful legislation. 

Published in Editorial

OTTAWA - The House of Commons passed NDP MP Charlie Angus' private member’s Motion-456 calling for a national palliative care strategy.

Published in Canada

Doctors don’t think Canada should mess with the rules that govern how they care for the terminally ill without a serious national debate. Therefore the Canadian Medical Association has been sponsoring town hall meetings across Canada.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - Dr. Balfour Mount, considered the “father of palliative care in North America,” has written an open letter to Quebec’s new premier advising him against re-introducing the euthanasia bill.

Published in Canada

OTTAWA - Quebec’s promised bill to bring in “medical aid in dying” is a “dangerous” proposal that confuses medical care with euthanasia, said Quebec’s bishops, joining numerous groups in condemning the plan.

Published in Canada