Pope Francis

MEXICO CITY - Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu has confirmed that Pope Francis will visit the capital, Mexico City, along with the states of Chihuahua and Chiapas -- on the northern and southern borders respectively -- and Michoacan in western Mexico.

Published in International

MEXICO CITY - Pope Francis is exploring the possibility of visiting the previously problematic border city of Ciudad Juarez, where a battle between drug cartels during the past decade cost more than 10,000 lives in a four-year period.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY - A family that chooses to watch TV or play with their smartphones rather than talk at the dinner table is "hardly a family," Pope Francis said.

Published in Faith

Pope Francis celebrated Mass at the Archbasilica of St John Lateran on Monday evening in a ceremony that included the ordination of a new auxiliary Bishop for the Diocese of Rome.

Published in Reflections

NAIROBI, Kenya - From stitching 2,000 vestments to training large-scale security teams, Catholic Church leaders and Kenyan officials say they’re ready to host Pope Francis.

Published in Vatican

FLORENCE, Italy - If God and his word are to help people, Christians have to be in touch with what is really happening in people's lives, Pope Francis said during an afternoon Mass.

Published in Vatican

FLORENCE, Italy - Meeting workers and addressing a major gathering of the Catholic Church in Italy, Pope Francis demanded an end to economic exploitation, to clerics "obsessed" with power, to apathy among youth and to a cold, fearful church that forgets Christ is always by its side.

Published in Vatican

NAIROBI, Kenya - The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops called on Kenyans to prepare for Pope Francis' first visit to Africa at the end of November by embracing peace and co-existence and with prayer.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY - Leaked and published information about Vatican financial problems and irregularities were already known and are the reason "measures have already been taken that have begun to bear fruit," Pope Francis said.

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY - A Comboni missionary in the Central Africa Republic, recounting the violence taking place around his parish in the capital, expressed hope that Pope Francis' planned visit would open people's hearts to God's love and "renew the face of this beautiful country drenched in blood."

Published in International

NEW YORK - Despite intense opposition from some conservatives and new revelations of financial scandals in the Vatican, Pope Francis is at peace with the reformist course he has set for the Catholic Church, according to a cardinal who is a leading advisor to the pontiff.

Published in International

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis said that Christians are called to follow the example of the good Samaritan in helping the defenseless who are attacked by those who steal "not only their possessions but also their dignity."

Published in Vatican

VATICAN CITY - Inundated with requests from major media outlets around the world, Pope Francis chose to sit down for an interview with a homeless man who makes his living selling newspapers in Netherlands.

Published in Vatican

In his homily during Mass on Friday morning, Pope Francis said the Church is called to serve, not to be concerned solely with business affairs; and that Bishops and priests must overcome the temptation to live a “double life.” He warned, too, about “climbers,” those who are attached to money.

Published in Reflections

The Christian includes, he does not close the door to anyone, even if this provokes resistance. He who excludes, because he believes himself to be better, generates conflicts and divisions, and does not consider the fact that “we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God.” That was the message of Pope Francis during Thursday morning’s Mass at Casa Santa Marta.

Published in Reflections