Still fighting the death penalty, Sr. Prejean gets Pope’s blessing
VATICAN CITY - Two decades after her anti-death penalty work was transformed into the Oscar-winning movie Dead Man Walking, Sr. Helen Prejean’s campaign continues with the backing of Pope Francis.
Foot-washing ritual not limited to men, Vatican says in new decree
VATICAN CITY - Following a request by Pope Francis, the Vatican issued a decree specifying that the Holy Thursday foot-washing ritual can include "all members of the people of God," including women -- a practice already observed by the Pope and many priests around the world.
Shrines are welcoming homes of forgiveness, mercy, Pope says
VATICAN CITY - Shrines are homes of forgiveness that allow pilgrims to experience firsthand God's love and mercy, Pope Francis said.
VATICAN CITY - Jealousy and envy are ugly sins that grow like weeds in one's heart, Pope Francis said at his morning Mass.
A heart that is envious is not only tormented, but can even "lead one to kill," the Pope said Jan. 21 during the Mass in the chapel of Domus Sanctae Marthae.
Pope receives official invitation to visit Rome's mosque
VATICAN CITY - A Muslim delegation formally invited Pope Francis to visit Rome's mosque, the largest mosque outside the Islamic world. It would mark the first time a Pope visited the local mosque, which was opened in 1995.
No one is excluded from the mercy of God, Pope says at audience
VATICAN CITY - Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christians are called to work together in order to be a visible sign that God's mercy excludes no one, Pope Francis said during his general audience Jan. 20.
No saint has a sin-free past, no sinner is hopeless, Pope says
VATICAN CITY - There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future, Pope Francis said in his morning Mass.
Pope to migrants: Do not be robbed of hope, joy of living
VATICAN CITY - Welcoming thousands of migrants and refugees to the Vatican for their own Year of Mercy celebration, Pope Francis urged them to resist everything that would rob them of hope and joy.
Dialogue, remembrance, peace highlighted as Pope visits synagogue
ROME - While the Catholic Church affirms that salvation comes through Jesus, it also recognizes that God is faithful and has not revoked his covenant with the Jewish people, Pope Francis said.
Synagogue visit is chapter in Rome's unique Catholic-Jewish history
ROME - History and geography have combined to make Catholic-Jewish relations in Rome unique, both negatively and positively -- a fact highlighted by modern papal visits to the city's main synagogue just two miles from the Vatican.
Pope to teens: Don't fall for hate, fearmongers; find nice friends
VATICAN CITY - Don't fall for hate and fearmongering from others; make new friends instead and always help and show concern for others, Pope Francis told the world's teens.
Price of peace
Addressing U.S. congress last September, Pope Francis bluntly dissected the multi-billion-dollar international arms industry.
El Paso Mass scrapped, but not papal Mass across border
EL PASO, Texas - The Diocese of El Paso has scrapped plans for a border Mass that would have taken place at the same time as the closing Mass of Pope Francis' visit to Mexico in February.
Faithfulness in mercy is God's way of being, Pope says
VATICAN CITY - God's mercy is constant and limitless; he is faithful in his mercy for his children, even when they are unfaithful, Pope Francis said.
Pope: Prayers of the faithful, not clergy, can make miracles happen
VATICAN CITY - The prayers of the faithful, not the pope, bishops, priests or nuns, have the power to make miracles happen in the most impossible situations, Pope Francis said at his morning Mass.
WYD Blog
Call to arms
If you did not feel empowered by Pope Francis' homily during the welcoming ceremonies at World Youth Day, then you weren't really listening. The…
Jesus calls us here to meet him
There’s so much I could say about World Youth Day: I could probably write a short book about my experiences. There are so many…
Jesus I trust you
Two weeks ago I left my home in Mission, BC, about an hour outside of Vancouver, and embarked on my pilgrimage to Kraków, Poland.…