Pope celebrates closing Mass of African Journey
Pope Francis on Monday celebrated Mass at Bangui's Barthélémy Boganda Stadium for thousands of the faithful from the Central African Republic.
Homily at the Mass on the campus of the University of Nairobi
Thursday, November 26, 2015 - Nairobi
10 a.m. Mass on the campus of the University of Nairobi.
Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis
Nairobi, Central Park
Thursday, November 26, 2015
God’s word speaks to us in the depths of our heart. Today God tells us that we belong to him. He made us, we are his family, and he will always be there for us. “Fear not”, he says to us, “I have chosen you and I promise to give you my blessing” (cf. Is 44:2).
Arriving in Kenya, Pope says tolerance, respect are keys to peace
NAIROBI, Kenya - With security concerns looming over his visit, Pope Francis arrived in Kenya Nov. 25 urging tolerance and respect among people of different religions and different ethnic groups.
VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis embarks Wednesday on his first trip to Africa, visiting three countries in a papal tour overshadowed by security concerns.
Pope must preach truth to power in Africa
Over six days beginning Nov. 25, Pope Francis will visit three African countries — Kenya, Uganda and Central African Republic. His first visit to Africa is significant in many ways.
Pope names Vatican official head of North American Anglican ordinariate
VATICAN CITY - After consultation with the governing council of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter, Pope Francis named Msgr. Steven Lopes to be the first bishop of the ordinariate, which serves former Anglicans living in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church.
Education is too selective, elitist, Pope says
VATICAN CITY - The educational alliance among families, schools and states is broken, causing a serious situation that leads to selecting to educate only "supermen" chosen solely based on intelligence or wealth, Pope Francis said.
Widows are image of Church seeking to stay faithful
The Church remains faithful if she keeps her eyes fixed on Jesus, but she becomes lukewarm and mediocre if she seeks comfort in worldly things. That was Pope Francis’ message on Monday as he reflected on the Gospel reading at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta…
Pope condemns Mali attacks, calls for acts of kindness in broken world
VATICAN CITY - Show kindness, understanding and mercy in today's broken and wounded world, Pope Francis said.
Pope meets Ukrainian president, shares commitment for peace
VATICAN CITY - Although the conflict between Ukraine and Russian-backed separatists continues, Pope Francis and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko still share hope that a political solution can be found, the Vatican said.
Proclaim Gospel, worry less about structures, Pope tells German bishops
VATICAN CITY - The Catholic Church in Germany has strong institutions that contribute much to society and are extremely generous internationally, but Christianity must be more about proclaiming faith and less about maintaining impressive institutions, Pope Francis told the country's bishops.
Want to see the Pope? Get in line at the security checkpoint
VATICAN CITY - Even nuns in habits were subjected to a security checkpoint Nov. 18 during Pope Francis’ general audience, a weekly event that attracts thousands.
VATICAN CITY - Despite the ongoing violence in the Central Africa Republic, Pope Francis wants to visit the country Nov. 29-30, plans for the visit are in place, and the security situation is being monitored, the Vatican spokesman said.
Pray for peace, weep for world at war, Pope says
VATICAN CITY - "Jesus wept." Pope Francis opened his morning homily with those words as he spoke about the wars and violence engulfing numerous parts of the world.
The Lord weeps for the sins of a world at war
“The whole world is at war,” and the rejection of the “path of peace” means that God Himself, that Jesus Himself, weeps. This was the message of Pope Francis to the faithful following the readings of the day at Mass on Thursday morning in the Casa Santa Marta.